Does ANYONE have Irritable Bowel Syndrome? HELP!!
Hello everyone... After many trips to the emergency room... stays in the hospital.... Doctors making me think I'm imagining it all. I have been vomiting almost everytime that I eat, and I have lost a drastic amount of weight. a little less then a month ago I weighed 132lbs. now I am at 115 lb. Because I can't eat! and when I do it comes back up! And it is OHHHHHH so painful!! I have been doing some research on this and I think its irritable bowel syndrome. Does anyone else have this or know anything specifically about it?
thank you so much and God Bless
Hi Aja. I have IBS and have never vomited with it. Mine usually causes stomach cramping or the runs for a while. Usually I will have symptoms based on what I eat like dairy products. My ex husband has crohns disease which caused him to vomit occasionally. IBS can be diagnosed with a barium xray and crohns with a colonoscopy. Have you had any medical tests to rule out problems with your RNY? You could have developed a blockage from scar tissue as well.
You have helped me out a great deal!! I have had so many tests done in the last month because all of these doctors are retarded and none of them know what they're doing. I had the EGD where they take the camera and it goes into your stomach, and I've also had a MRI, CTSCAN, and some other ones I can't remember but I am actually about to change doctors because the GI doctor that I was referred to is a straight up liar. When I went into the ER this morning because my symptoms were getting worse the ER doc called him and the GI Doc told the ER Doc that he told me yesterday to let him admit me, which was a lie straight out the pit of hell. i asked them to admit me and they told me that they couldn't. But that's neither here nor there, but I am taking notes so that I will know what to ask my pain management doctor to request as far as testing for me tomorrow. Thank you so much again.