
Which ones are your struggle? Food post only peek if you can handle it!

(deactivated member)
on 10/12/09 5:53 am - Sweet Dreams lives in , PA
I used to be the main one that became upset when folks would post about food all the time. I now see that its good to talk about food...it helps to deal with the hold that it has on us sometimes.
See the donut hamburger was not something that would have caused me to relapse but I do have foods that get me every time. I was a sweet food junky.....still am...if I dont keep it in check. The foods that I try my hardest to avoid but they are my weakness include:

Ice Cream Sandwiches
Funnel Cakes
Reeses Cups
Lays Potato Chips ( I dont buy any more...cause...I will always go over board with the chips)
Cheese Cake
Tootsie Pops
Ice Cream ( Dont even bring it into the house...when I am doing well) Must purchase single serving away from home)
Donuts ( Again must buy one away from home...dont bring them into the house.

What I do now to deal with my sweet tooth is chew gum ALL THE TIME. I do have to be careful though....because I am a smacker....not a popper but the smacking can get out of hand sometimes... My mom tells me all the time...that I sounds like a cow chewin its cud! So I usually only chew gum at home...or try to be very mindful of how I chew! 

I also buy all flavors of light Yougurt.  I really like the ones that have pie flavors.  I will add a little splenda sometimes....and this really takes care of my sweet tooth.

For chocolate taste...i will have a Protein Hot Cocoa.

Dont get me wrong I do indulge sometimes....just not ALL the time ...like I used to.

So what are some of your weaknesses and food substitutes? 

on 10/12/09 7:17 am
I'm a sweets person myself.  Not just any sweets, it's got to be HOMEMADE/FROM SCRATCH!!  (I blame my grandma, as she always had a 3-5 layer from scratch cake in the house at all times)

store bought sweets & candy don't entice me.  I am so bad with candy, that my co-workers have learned to ask how long i've had it, before they eat it

They've also learned to let me know if it's from scratch, the box or the store.  Latter two might as well be dead bugs on the plate, because i'm not moved to eat them.

So right now, I'm doing well.  Especially since i'm still a newbie, but I buy vegan oatmeal/fake choc chip cookies & break off a quarter of a piece at a time to take with my nasty chalky calcium pills.  So far this is keeping the sweet tooth satiated.

Had a small piece of sweet potato pie last month, I ate it in three days, where as in the old days, i would have had the whole pie & had that done in three days instead.

(deactivated member)
on 10/13/09 12:29 am - Sweet Dreams lives in , PA
Yeah...I did not even touch on the scratch cakes....I love a 7UP Cake or a homemade pound cake!!!  Whenever I go down south, I try to put my guard up as best as I can....cause I know cakes and pies are going to be coming in every direction. Good thing I have never been a person who bakes a lot. 
on 10/12/09 7:24 am
LOL - I remember that - gettin all heated and we was like 'girl - gon with that!  we love our food porn!!!'  I have actually been able to be better about food by talking about it so much here - no one IRL around me understands how I LOVE food - any food - ALL food!!!  hahaha - I love talking about preparing it, variations of it, how it smells.... WHEW!!!  LOVE FOOD!!!! 

This board is like an AA meeting!  lol Hello - I'm the Mack and I would eat that doughnut burger in a heartbeat and slap my mama.....

 Hi Mack!!  You want that doughnut sliced and deep fried first?  YES PLEASE!!!!

As for favs and subs:
Frappacino's at Starbucks - sub - Iced Espresso w/SF syrup
Chocolate ice cream - yoplait yogurt parfaits or jello 60 cal choc mousse (SF)
cake - cake
choc chip cookie - choc chip cookie
alcohol (wine)- stronger alcohol (vodka - cuts the carbs and some calories)

ummm - I think that list is going a bit downhill, so imma stop.....

I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions!  I'm saving on the newsstand price.......

Check out my dating mis - adventures at: http://1macdatinggame.blogspot.com/

on 10/12/09 10:54 pm - Milwaukee, WI
"vodka - cuts the carbs and some calories" vodka does what..you a lie..if that was the truf then I would be loosing weight..lol
It is better to be motivated by the souls hunger rather than the egos greed.
(deactivated member)
on 10/13/09 12:32 am - Sweet Dreams lives in , PA
@ your last three substitutions! Yep..it definitely helps to talk about it...get it outta our system as best as we can...lessens the craving a bit!  
MSW will not settle
on 10/12/09 7:45 am

I had myself a little cognitive behavioral therapy session where I walked the supermarket admiring all of the temptaitons as of late.  These days everything sans that doughnut burger is a risk.  I want things I did not even eat pre op.  I'm craving foods I haven't bought in a decade.  I think its just being on this diet for eight months. 

The worst right now is anything cold and creamy.  I don't do icecream but all the non dairy substitutes like Soydelicious, Tofutti, and So Delicious frozen treats, any variety.  Also chips, crackers and crunchy cookies. 

Subs aren't working for me right now. I'll have a cookie or something if I'm out but I can't bring them home.   Single serving packs just mean I eat the whole box one bag at a time.



                   MSW   Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass: Eat sensibly & enjoy moderation  

 Links:  Are you a compulsive eater?  for help OA meets on-line Keep Coming Back, One Day At a Time  Overeaters Anonymous 


(deactivated member)
on 10/13/09 12:36 am - Sweet Dreams lives in , PA
@ cognitive behavioral therapy session where I walked the supermarket admiring all of the temptaitons as of late

Gurl...you just gave me the best visual....seeing you walk the aisles....squeezing the sponge cake and shaking the pancake mix!

You are so right about the serving size packs though. The thing that gets me are those little 100 calorie packs....yeah right...for the cost...just buy the regular and split in half....hahahaha....thats an addict talkin'
Tha Pinkster T.
on 10/12/09 1:57 pm
This is the best WLS thread in a long time my relapse food is:

Chocolate cake
Chocolate ice cream
Chocolate Cheesecake
Chocolate Milkshakes
Godiva Chocolate
Chocolate Covered Pretzels
Ice Mocha From Starbucks
Chocolate Chip Frapuccino

*Looking at the Cheesecake Factory

I am trying to replace this **** with Jillian Michael's (Biggest Loser Trainer) Chocolate Whey Protein. I'll be straight I tasted it without milk just dry and her **** is good. 

Tis better to be dis-liked than to be loved by them cuz your always on their mind.   

Pretty In Pink
Graphics & Myspace layouts


(deactivated member)
on 10/13/09 12:40 am, edited 10/13/09 12:41 am - Sweet Dreams lives in , PA
Huummmm someone definitely has a chocholate fancy. Gurl...you could not live here.  In Hershey, PA ( about 15 minutes from where I live) all you SMELL is chocolate. Talk about a trigger! They use Chocolate mulch for the lawn...so most of the town smells delicious.  I will have to try that Chocolate Whey...wonder if I can find samples. Oh....Gigilani! 
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