OT: Drop and Gimme 'Fiddy' (Grown Folks Ish)

(deactivated member)
on 10/5/09 3:44 pm - Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI
OK, so as you all may OR may not know....I wear a 'Freaky Wife Badge', and proud of it! (Rolling my neck, LOL)

Badge.jpg picture by OnlyKalisa(Yes I made that)

So anyway, I was talking to one of my 'girls' today...(Now lemme clarify, she isn't one of my FRIENDS, per se, but just this chick that I talk to on occasion) Her opinion doesn't really matter to me, but had me thinking....
So, we were talking and she asked me what the Mr. and I were doing on the weekend.  I proceeded to tell her we were going to the strip club. 

WHAT THE HELL DID I SAY THAT FOR?? This chick was trippin' like I told her we were going to go rob a bank. She got into this rant about "women don't belong in a strip club" and "some **** is just off limits".
Let me say, I believe with all of my  that what YOU won't do for your man, another woman WILL. Sometimes, what you DO, do for your man, another woman CAN do it better.
This girl got into the things she WON'T do for/with her man....and when I tell you, I now see why she ain't got one...HELLO! LOL NO oral, NO anal, NO porn and the list goes on and on.
Now, I'm the type of woman that is willing to do what it takes (within reason) to keep **** sexy, and interesting. I don't have many 'No-No's'. She is convinced that by frequenting the strip joints with my HUSBAND that I am sending the wrong message to him. BIOTCH PUH-LEESE!! I sent that message 12 yrs ago and we're still going strong. Now, we go to the strip club maybe once a month, and it's just fun. It adds a little excitement to our sex life...that's OUR thing. I never saw a problem with it.
With all of that being said....what do you think? Q #1. Is there a problem with women in the strip club? Q #2. Do you have a loooong list of 'No-No's' in your relationship sexually speaking? Is this broad tripping or is it just me? I know we all have freedom of opinion, but she was damn near 'cussin me out...LOL Let me know what YOU think.
on 10/5/09 3:56 pm
This sexy makes you want to go home and do this. sex

Some people think it's sending the wrong message to go with their husbands,  I say if it's working for you this long then you know what's best for your marriage.

I don't go to any strip joints cause the last few I went to were just not appealing as they use to be when I was young.

This chick sounds like a prude that has a closed sign on every orafice in her body dam near.    If your to dam stuffy he gone go looking for some excitment.
Salty Pickle a.k.a.  Lee
(deactivated member)
on 10/5/09 9:09 pm - Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI
Lee...I agree 100%! LOL
(deactivated member)
on 10/5/09 6:51 pm, edited 10/5/09 8:57 pm - Sweet Dreams lives in , PA
LOL! Hey Lisa!

Gurl...you crack me up! I have never been to a strip club...makes me sad that a woman had to do that to make a living BUT I digress. Hey...they are legal and if you and your husband enjoy them...do you!!!

I don't have a  LONG list but I do have one. I think its important to get with someone who can accept your list from jump street...that agrees with your list and is just as uncomfortable doing certain things as you are... I will ask the question (in a nonjudgemental way) before we even get to that point...and depending on the answers...I know if its safe for me to proceed with that certain person. Cause what you said is true....if he is not satisfied...there are others who will satisfy him..if you wont. 

I am curious...how do you feel when you are sitting there in the strip club? What are your observations about the men and the women? Anything deep? I know its NOT all sexual...BUT perhaps I am wrong. Also...do you ever notice if they CLOROX them poles down.  I get chills whenever I hear one of those things mentioned. All I think about is cooties!  LOL! 
(deactivated member)
on 10/5/09 9:34 pm - Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI
I am curious...how do you feel when you are sitting there in the strip club?
I'm normally having a really good time, I feel great, LOL I'm really fascinated by the art of pole dancing. Some of the things they do on the pole, really amaze me. (I'm taking pole dancing lessons after WLS)(CLEARING THROAT) 
What are your observations about the men and the women?
Ya know, some women look like they really DON'T wanna be there, others look like they are really enjoying what they do. Normally, it shows in the quality of their work...in turn, affecting their tips. In some cases...I have seen a dancer that genuinely looks 'sad', and that bothers me. I'd be lying if I said it bothered me enough to stop going.  Stripping is a choice... Now the fellas...WOW. LOL Some of the men that catch my attention are the ones that look like they really THINK a dancer, is going to give them the digits or some special attention. It's like they don't realize that these girls get PAID by being nice. Some of the fellas look even more 'sad' than the females. I mean, I know it's cliche', but some of the women really are there getting themselves through school, ( I personally know a FEW, lemme repeat a FEW, LOL) and the women that are working towards a goal probably won't be looking for her 'hubby' in a strip joint.  
I know its NOT all sexual...BUT perhaps I am wrong. Also...do you ever notice if they CLOROX them poles down.  I get chills whenever I hear one of those things mentioned. All I think about is cooties!  LOL! 
LMFAO!!! The spot we go to is much more high end than other ones I've heard about.....it costs $40 EACH , so it better be, LOL. They are very particular about keeping the poles cleaned. They actually have a 'Pole Girl' that comes out between performers and cleans the poles down. Clorox spray and a clean towel. The DJ once joked that donations were being accepted to buy more towels because they go through so many. LOL
on 10/5/09 11:42 pm - GARDEN CITY, MI
You Keep on keeping on Lisa

Don't let people judge who you are. They don't pay your dues in life. Only you know what you are confident with.

I am glad to say your my friend. cause you got personality.

Why is it that some folks have a mightier than though attitude. who says what they think is the only right way? There is a whole world of different people and that is what makes like interesting.

"When we stop running away from the situation that is scary - that is the moment we discover how strong we really are. So, acknowledge your strength...rejoice in it...and start breathing in life, as the beautiful, strong soul (being) that you truly are." - Rachna Sirtaj.......Love & Peace

(deactivated member)
on 10/5/09 11:51 pm - Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI
Thanks Mary....I am proud of who I am, and the relationship my husband and I have built.  We have our issues like any other couple...but I can always say 'I did my part!' LOL
Diversity of opinions make the world a dysfunctionally (yep, dysfunction-ally, LMAO) beautiful place.
on 10/5/09 9:36 pm
LOL!!!  Chile - when I DO get my husband that mofo will wear the goofiest smile of utter sexual satisfaction EVERY DAMN DAY - I have no limts whatsoever when it comes to pleasing my man.  As a married woman I won't be doing the extra folk in our bedroom thing - but otherwise - it's ON.  What ever spot he want licked, tickled, caressed, sucked, nuzzled - whatever - I'm doin it.  

Not a single ex of mine can say our issue was in the bedroom - not one.  And hell - there are some things I hold back and won't do for anybody BUT my husband - so it's really gonna be a wrap.

And I personally think any woman who don't suck dyck is like Chris Rock said - that chick is like Beta - they shouldn't even be MAKING them anymore........ I met a dude that told me he ain't lick kitty...... that mofo musta thought Chris Angel was in the building as fast as I disappeared......  

I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions!  I'm saving on the newsstand price.......

Check out my dating mis - adventures at: http://1macdatinggame.blogspot.com/

(deactivated member)
on 10/5/09 10:10 pm - Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI
HAHAHAHAHAH!! Girl I feel you! She was actin like the dick was the origin of Swine Flu, LOL
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(deactivated member)
on 10/5/09 9:37 pm
^5 to you for keeping your relationship spicy.

Simply yeah, the girl was tripping.  If you and your hubby both enjoy it and no one is being forced to do something they don't want to, its all gravy.

As for your questions: 1)Nope, no problem with women in a strip club, although I haven't been to one in years. 2) Only thing I can think of on my list of no no's is no sharing.  Everything else is open to being tried, experimenting with at least once-and if I like it it might just become a regular part of the repertoire.

Enjoy your weekend festivities.
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