Dang kids!!
So I got my feelings hurts on Friday!! We have biblestudy every friday, and I was watching the kids (taking nursery) while biblestudy was going on. Afterwards this little boy was telling me why he had cried earlier that evening. I told them that he didn't have to cry, and then he looks up at me and says 'You're fat!'.....
I wanted to punt that little boy across the state of Texas!!! He is only five, but dang it, that hurt my feelings!! Its been so long since I been called fat! But I'm over it now. I just wanted to share that with you guys! In a few months I will never be called fat again!!!! LOL!!

on 10/6/09 4:03 am - oklahoma city, OK
on 10/6/09 4:03 am - oklahoma city, OK
Kids do have a way of "making someone's day"...................Not to long ago I volunteered to read a story to some pre-school kids. I walked in the room, the teacher got them to sit still and acknowledge me..........and within 3 minutes..............a little boy said "SHE'S WAY TOO OLD"...............OMG. I thought to myself, this little knuckle head 4 year old
has just hurt my feelings! Now that's really sad!

Gurl I work in a daycare and i hear that stuff all the time, got lil three year olds saying, Miss neta your big...i say "yes i am, and your little" one said i was fat, and i said, yes i am, and your skinny, i mean it bothers me , but they are kids, they just say what comes to their lil brains. Its alright mami!! Dont let it bring you down. laugh to yourself and say, yea im fat, but im sexy as hell too!!
The lady is out......
The lady is out......
Kids will embarrass you and hurt your feelings at the same time. I remember a time when this kid asked my friend why she didn't have a neck. That was so cruel. My friend start laughing, but I know on the inside it hurt. I had an experience with a kid. He was at least four. He asked me when my baby was due. LOL his mama was like she is not pregnant and put her hand over his mouth. I laughed, and said there is no baby in my tummy, my tummy just big cause I eat too much..I was completely embarrassed, but I got over it.