LAWD BAF done fell it's bumped it's F
not me....but so good to see you....the question was more hypothetical.....I like to think of myself as the woman Prince is talking to when he sings, "whisper...whisper questions....with my body, body, I'll scream a reply....anything is acceptable....just ask me and I'll try it....hell with hesitation...hell with reasons whyyyyyy......"
Okay LOL
I focus not on my disabilty; my focus is on my ABILITIES.
(Dedee, 2009)
My hearing impairment ENABLES me, not disables me.
(Dedee, 2008)
@There is nothing more sexy than watching your partner as you become one...weak smiles....ugly faces...lip biting...toes curling...back hell, you get the point LOL
CAN THE CHURCH SAY AMEN...that's why I like to(*clears throat*)...ok I'm going to keep it holy and PG! and Im going to keep my class. lol!
I'm going to have to get holy on you and tell you that the marriage bed is undefiled...meaning anything and everything I will never have to worry about those restrictions. THANK YOU JESUS OH LORD THANK YOU JESUS! LOL!
Oh and you cant post questions like this on freaky Friday....get a brothers mine to churning and thinking about my old'n days and how I can resurrect those "old'n days". I'm trying to keep it holy. lol!
I keep it real, though I am saved, I am not perfect,
Micah P.
CAN THE CHURCH SAY AMEN...that's why I like to(*clears throat*)...ok I'm going to keep it holy and PG! and Im going to keep my class. lol!
I'm going to have to get holy on you and tell you that the marriage bed is undefiled...meaning anything and everything I will never have to worry about those restrictions. THANK YOU JESUS OH LORD THANK YOU JESUS! LOL!
Oh and you cant post questions like this on freaky Friday....get a brothers mine to churning and thinking about my old'n days and how I can resurrect those "old'n days". I'm trying to keep it holy. lol!
I keep it real, though I am saved, I am not perfect,
Micah P.