Monique was right skinny women are evil as...!!!
Ok so I try to let this song be my anthem ! But Lord did these skinny...ut um *clears throat*...GIRLS **** me off.
So I'm working out as usual, so i go to the track to do my 4 mile jog...I'm breathless as I write at first I'm keep up I'm doing better than some of the more fit people who were there. So like a ton of bricks I lost my breath and i had to slow down so I get in the walking lane. So here come Suzy q and Becky gaining ground on me. So I'm like I am going to try to speed up so I wont slow them down, although there is a PASS lane. So then i put it into overdrive, so now I am going like 3.5 mph, so these skinny girls realized what I was doing so they speed up to make me go faster. So I'm like ok these girls must be bout ready to pass me. So then I slow down, they slow down, then that's when i realized what they were doing. So they got like 2ft behind and start laughing. Oh Lord, if I wasn't big tall and black, and if I didn't live in a township that is 98% white I would of went off on those lil white women like I was crazy. So then one of them start taunting me, she would walk up beside me, like a car that's ready to race you, then she would pull back and laugh. OH LORD. So I kept my composure. Finally though I had enough. I turned around and kept walking backwards and just stared at them. The art of intimidation. So then one of them was like "OMG what are you looking at". I intellectually told them off, because I try to keep it gentlemen like and not have to go to urban on some of these ingrates I encounter.
Have any of you had a trying of your patience lately?
I'm just being real and transparent, I am in no way perfect,
Micah P.
So I'm working out as usual, so i go to the track to do my 4 mile jog...I'm breathless as I write at first I'm keep up I'm doing better than some of the more fit people who were there. So like a ton of bricks I lost my breath and i had to slow down so I get in the walking lane. So here come Suzy q and Becky gaining ground on me. So I'm like I am going to try to speed up so I wont slow them down, although there is a PASS lane. So then i put it into overdrive, so now I am going like 3.5 mph, so these skinny girls realized what I was doing so they speed up to make me go faster. So I'm like ok these girls must be bout ready to pass me. So then I slow down, they slow down, then that's when i realized what they were doing. So they got like 2ft behind and start laughing. Oh Lord, if I wasn't big tall and black, and if I didn't live in a township that is 98% white I would of went off on those lil white women like I was crazy. So then one of them start taunting me, she would walk up beside me, like a car that's ready to race you, then she would pull back and laugh. OH LORD. So I kept my composure. Finally though I had enough. I turned around and kept walking backwards and just stared at them. The art of intimidation. So then one of them was like "OMG what are you looking at". I intellectually told them off, because I try to keep it gentlemen like and not have to go to urban on some of these ingrates I encounter.
Have any of you had a trying of your patience lately?
I'm just being real and transparent, I am in no way perfect,
Micah P.
... LOL but they do .. DO THAT!! I mountain bike in the canyons.. I went soaring pass a group of about five SKINNY CHIC's .. all total weight of all females around 150lbs.. with water on them... anyways.. I heard them say that I wasn't gonna last the trail.. I BEAT THEM.. LOL HEFER'S...LOL
... BUT I still want ot be smaller but I refuse to have .. A SKINNY ATTITUDE!!

I'm so sorry you had to deal with that. Ignorance and stupidity are not in short supply. However, I want to commend you for handling this like the man of God you are. You held your composure and dignity and for that, congratulations. Well done. Let the Holy Spirit get 'em. Maybe they'll trip on their nikes and fall into ditch. 

LOL...I am so use to dealing with ignorant people! But for some reason these lil skinny things got on my nerves. Some would say it was because they were skinny and I felt insecure, but that wasn't it, that would mean I would feel that way around my friends and lady friend. I think I was just trying to work out in peace and here come Suzy and Becka in there ignorant wagon.
Thanks, I really do try to uphold myself to higher standards when I encounter ignorance...but man is it not an easy task!

I'm not sure if God will hear our prayers on this one I am entertaining the thought...hmmm! lol!

Micah P.
Thanks, I really do try to uphold myself to higher standards when I encounter ignorance...but man is it not an easy task!

I'm not sure if God will hear our prayers on this one I am entertaining the thought...hmmm! lol!

Micah P.
RNY on 08/25/15
Hey Micah I have to comend you on your restaint. A lot of times people may find something funny that is not humorous to us. That gets even harder to deal with when you realize that you are the brunt of a sick ( and less than funny ) joke. I just read your profile for the first time today and i realize that you are in a mode now where you are trying to lose some wieght prior to your Nov 4th surgery date. You are taking it serious because after all it is serious business. Keep to your plan and know that even though those females were trying to clown you that myself and others respect your efforts. Doing 4 miles a day is good man. Those women that played that game with you got lucky that they taunted a decent man. Had it been some of the brothas I know they would have been in a bad place fast. Its good to see a younger brotha that can maintain control even when he is a bit pissed off. I am sure if the shoe was on the other foot and if you had been the one taunting them in some way they would have been quick to call the cops talkin about how a big black man was harrasing them. In the end you handled yourself extremly well. Sometimes we dont feel like being played with especially from people we dont know. Continue on joggin and meet your pre op wieght goal................and just know that I can understand how much it takes to show restraint as a black man......peace
Thanks Man,
Yea like I was saying to Brenda. I usually don't let people get under my skin. I have people who don't like me, then I got a majority of people who do like me. So I usually brush people off, I am who I am and if they don't like it they can...well you get the point! lol! Oh and I am not going to let those "ignorant small minded no booty to skinny for they own good" white girls discourage me from getting what is rightfully mine. A healthy lifestyle. They actually fueled my fire. What is that slightly ghetto saying, that is actually really true, "let ya haters be ya motivators". Oh and believe that living in my lil surbia the "white folk" will find anything to call the police on you about. We once had "******" bleached in our well manicured yard, and the police knew who it was and didn't do anything about it. I am use to ignorance.
The four miles a day is becoming easier; I snap on my head phones turn on the tunes and count my laps. Before I know it, it is over. I'm trying to do it twice a day but my schedule is hectic.
Thank for the encouragement again man, it is much appreciated.
Love & Blessings,
Micah P.
Yea like I was saying to Brenda. I usually don't let people get under my skin. I have people who don't like me, then I got a majority of people who do like me. So I usually brush people off, I am who I am and if they don't like it they can...well you get the point! lol! Oh and I am not going to let those "ignorant small minded no booty to skinny for they own good" white girls discourage me from getting what is rightfully mine. A healthy lifestyle. They actually fueled my fire. What is that slightly ghetto saying, that is actually really true, "let ya haters be ya motivators". Oh and believe that living in my lil surbia the "white folk" will find anything to call the police on you about. We once had "******" bleached in our well manicured yard, and the police knew who it was and didn't do anything about it. I am use to ignorance.
The four miles a day is becoming easier; I snap on my head phones turn on the tunes and count my laps. Before I know it, it is over. I'm trying to do it twice a day but my schedule is hectic.
Thank for the encouragement again man, it is much appreciated.
Love & Blessings,
Micah P.

See right there is when I bring out the big gun and just pop off a few home-brewed breathing disrupters and then jus****ch the sparks fly. After running down wind of me laughing and giggling like crazy, just taking in all that good clean air, I'd just go -

Take it from me, Playa. It works!