After what I read yesterday...I'M DONE!
On October 1, 2009 at 2:30 PM Pacific Time, LEE wrote:
I don't have a problem with you having sex, I just hope you didn't pull a muscle trying to hoist your legs on some mans shoulders. Get yo freak on, and next time you post about it we want to know the color of the penis and what the sperm tasted like.
(Just a few recent topics)

<-----sitting in LurkLand, taking notes and thinking about how I can make this board into a "reality" t.v. show.
"When Alexander saw the breadth of his domain, he wept for there were no more worlds to conquer." Plutach. Not true, for there are always more worlds to conquer.
I'm a lil late, lol. I just wanna say that this is by far my favorite board. I enjoy the conversations and topics it what they may-funny, freaky, serious, WHATEVER. I don't think her post was out of line, or too personal. She didn't go into detail about what went down (No Pun Intended...ok, kinda, lol) I guess my point is this board is unique from the rest because we are like a family, and we can DISCUSS anything. This board, I thought, was an OPEN forum to discuss whatever you wanted to. You, myself or anyone else doesn't have to like it, and therefore people who it may offend ain't gotta read it! Just keep scrollin. Callin her out about it, ain't gonna change a thang!! I'm happy for her! If someone can post about things ranging from Bowel Movements to the taste of Sperm...surely getting laid being a topic of discussion shouldn't be an issue. She has the right to post about ANYTHING under the sun...and we have the to right to not read it or to ignore it all together! Love yall!!!