After what I read yesterday...I'M DONE!

(deactivated member)
on 10/1/09 8:58 am - Sweet Dreams lives in , PA
On October 1, 2009 at 1:16 PM Pacific Time, Dimple Donna wrote:
Hi...yes, that was my point...but some will find no problem with the signature and the message that was given yesterday.

I am sure MANY here wondered the reason for the post...and why someone would place such a personal matter on public display...they have just chosen not to say anything - and that's cool.  However, it actually bothered me because, yes, I know the self-esteem issues many of us faced prior to surgery and the same issues are plaguing folk even after surgery...Perhaps MD's self-esteem has been increased because of her getting 'some'...I don't know..but at any rate, thanks for your response.

No....this is the exact formula:

WLS - pounds+gain weight-lost weight+ other aids+ other supporst+self-esteem+positive affirmations+increase social outlets=male connections/dumb ********likely prospects+wining and dining "each other"-booty callers=HIM+more indepth connections& conversations+the perfect night= MAD PASSIONATE SEX

Next lesson....the Theory of Relativity  
(deactivated member)
on 10/1/09 7:20 am - Sweet Dreams lives in , PA
On October 1, 2009 at 1:01 PM Pacific Time, isaiah54mom wrote:
Now see... I was gonna leave it alone, but since you brought it up......
I guess I am jus' an ole relic...
That is the kind of thang you share with your girls ...not a public forum full of strangers. BTW (I know y'all thought i was gonna quote sum scriptures....HAHAHAHA ...fooled y'all) I am a Christian but, I am also a woman (and very black I might add)
But I digress....It left a bad taste in my mouth becuz of the seriousness of the sistah's signature. My greatest fear raising my children was that they would fall prey to a predator. I still have much empathy for her.......
Sex has been demoted by this society to recreation. I do understand that. But unless as #1 MM, stated it is a forum on style and technique( and I prefer we use technical terms, the profanity makes it soooo common) for me its TMI.
There is the option of PM. Cut and paste and PM away. Just my humble opinion.
Grace preace and Love
I hope all works out for the sistah.Giving away the milk w'o even a lease option usually don't work in this economy. Then you are left picking up the pieces. Is it worth it?
Lease options ARE over-rated!!!....been there...done that!!! I won't even touch on your opinion as a Christian lady or an old relic!!! Wonder what you thought..."I GOT LAID" meant in biblical terms!!! before you peeped the post.! Bwhahahaha.  Sometimes people...take things WAY too seriously...including myself...but I have been trying very hard to lighten up....LIFE is too short! 
on 10/1/09 7:47 am - bartlesville, OK
Fire away BABY... I got my helmet on. I know the old relic part comes from being mentored by women much wiser (and older) than me. I realize that this is a "new day". Concepts of respect have seem to changed. You are a beautiful woman. I was puzzled also when i read your post what was your motivation for putting out that very personal part of your business to what are strangers. As I stated earlier you had the option to paste and cut and PM away without putting your very personal and intimate business on blast. If you are sharing sexual intimacies with someone and feel a need to  celebrate, do it with those who will celebrate with you. For some it is TMI. If you post a topic on a public forum, the public will respond.
Now I am sure that "I got Laid" means a number of things to a number of people.If I was confused when you wnet into the part about "breakin some off" I think i got the picture. anyway Lee helped me out with a visual aide.( BTW when I do counsel women who are not saved and having sex a condom is non negotiable, so way to go LEE!!)
 I did not go into the biblical perspective on it because I was not going to insult the readers of this forum. If there is one thing people in general seem to know it is the bible's teaching on sex outside of marriage. What is sadly lacking is the celebration of Sexual intimacy between a husband and a wife. That is in the bible also. It is not forbidden or frowned upon. It is joyously proclaimed.



(deactivated member)
on 10/1/09 8:10 am, edited 10/1/09 8:16 am - Sweet Dreams lives in , PA

These folks may be strangers to you BUT they are not strangers to me.  What you don't realize is that I talk about my life publicly in a variety of forums. I don't keep secrets that are my own. I will use discretion when its suits me but for the most part I am an OPEN book and don't mind telling it ALL. I am a survivor of so much and yet I consider myself successful....Now this might not be the best example because I was just having fun...but I have had many occasions when I have helped others through my own self disclosure. Sometimes knowing that someone has been through and experience and SURVIVED gives others hope....must like all that you shared in your previous message about all your life cir****tances. It inspires and gives others HOPE...I am sure you have had others tell you that. The problem when talking about SEX is that some people do have hang ups about it! I don't any more ...its natural and a part of life. There was a time when I would not let a man touch me...because of my history of child sexual abuse by a number of perpetrators....The fact that I can actually enjoy SEX is a miracle to me. There are other women who are not that fortunate.  

I have no intention of firing away at you. What would be the purpose? One thing I try hard not to do is JUDGE others no matter what my personal beliefs. Not saying that I don't slip up and do it on occasion BUT I try very hard not too. 

Guess what....I feel just as strongly that I am going to have a blessed afterlife...just like I am sure you do!!!

I will just advise others to take the same advice that I was given some time ago. If you don't like a particular subject..... or walk away!!! I wish you the same peace!  

BTW...I am the first person...way before Lee to post a SAFE SEX public safety can check it out in my history.

Just Valena
on 10/1/09 6:34 am - Nunyabizness
So Donna, why did you feel the need to call her out on her post?
I have been on this site since 2003, on BAF for quite a while...I done seen a WHOLE LOT of bull shiggidy here...yet you call THIS one out?! And in this particular case, the title of that post very clearly was NOT a misnomer.
(deactivated member)
on 10/1/09 6:38 am - Sweet Dreams lives in , PA

LOL! The reasoning is simple.....BECAUSE I FELT LIKE IT!!! Sometimes it no big deal to just go with the flow. Hell....the board has been a good sounding board for me. I have shared somethings with you all...(tired of sharing all the depressing stuff) and I felt comfortable enough to share was no biggie...just having a little light hearted fun!!! THAT is all....wanted to give out a few laughs...nothing wrong with there? I mean .....I did fess up a while ago about women vs men sharing on the board about sex.  It all falls into the same lines and has pertinence to WLS, our attitudes about ourselves! Being more outgoing...and yes having one of the ultimate outcome Damn HOT SEX and a connection with someone!!!  Something that I am sure some of us struggle with when we think about our self esteem issues....and how we may have felt in the past.  Lets face it NOT everyone is in the same space!  I ain't mad at you though...I knew someone was going to come out of the woodwork to flame or criticize...thats just life!!! Have a blessed day Donna!  

Dimple Donna
on 10/1/09 6:40 am - Chicago, IL
Hey criticism...just asked the question.

Have a good one, too!
I choose to love myself, live life to the fullest, and encourage others to liberate themselves!
263.jpg image by DimpleDonna228.jpg image by DimpleDonna
(deactivated member)
on 10/1/09 6:57 am - Sweet Dreams lives in , PA
And as far as my integrity goes.....Any one that knows me would NEVER question my integrity after reading a post about me having sex ( A NORMAL HUMAN FUNCTION!!!). I don't care *****ads this post or anything else I have out here on the WWW!!! mother, my sorority sisters, my boss...hell...they could put it on the nightly news for all I care....I need the MEDIA exposure!!! any means necessary!  I have bigger fishes to fry then to be worried about this nit picky mess.  I am trying the best I can to function DAY BY DAY!  Guess what....I have been doing a dayum good job! Now on with my mission. PEACE OUT!

BTW: A CONDOM IS A NON-NEGOTIABLE...I have two kids to might be good but I am definitely not trying to die for it!!! Hope all feel the same!
(deactivated member)
on 10/1/09 6:59 am, edited 10/1/09 7:04 am - Sweet Dreams lives in , PA
ETA: Duplicated message because delayed reponse with the previous edit. 

And as far as my integrity goes.....Any one that knows me would NEVER question my integrity after reading a post about me having sex ( A NORMAL HUMAN FUNCTION!!!). I don't care *****ads this post or anything else I have out here on the WWW!!! mother, my sorority sisters, my boss...hell...they could put it on the nightly news for all I care....I need the MEDIA exposure!!! any means necessary!  I have bigger fishes to fry then to be worried about this nit picky mess.  I am trying the best I can to function DAY BY DAY!  Guess what....I have been doing a dayum good job! Now on with my mission. PEACE OUT!

on 10/1/09 7:30 am
I don't have a problem with you having sex,   I just hope you didn't pull a muscle trying to hoist your legs on some mans shoulders.  

Get yo freak on, and next time you post about it we want to know the color of the penis and what the sperm tasted like. 

(Just a few recent topics)  
Salty Pickle a.k.a.  Lee
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