Help Me Understand
For all of you black women who are married to or in an interracial relationship (especially with a white man), how do you deal with the pink ding-a ling?
I'm serious, too.
If any of you have met my husband, you know that he is light...VERY light.....and much lighter under his clothes, but the thang ain't pink. The thought of a pink one scares me.
I'm serious, too.
If any of you have met my husband, you know that he is light...VERY light.....and much lighter under his clothes, but the thang ain't pink. The thought of a pink one scares me.
LMFAO @ Cookie!!!!!! My ex was white, and his 'ding-a-ling' wasn't pink, per se....but the, how can I put it...the....awww hell, the head was, LOL.
It worked just as good, if not better than some of the black men I've been with. I doesn't feel, or taste any different just to be honest. LOL HOWEVER I did see a white guy in a porn with 2 penises....I'll leave that alone, LOL
It worked just as good, if not better than some of the black men I've been with. I doesn't feel, or taste any different just to be honest. LOL HOWEVER I did see a white guy in a porn with 2 penises....I'll leave that alone, LOL
If it's good, it's good no matter what color it is. JMO...


Cookie, i recently ended a relationship with a Rican. The only thing that would make me consider taking him back is the PENIS! It was Pink...yep, sure was...head and all. But when he penetrated, I instantly becaome color blind!!!!


Stop yo nonsense cookie. You are happily married to the man who was chosen for you, who happens to be a black man. It just isn't that cut and dry for everyone......don't go look'n for trouble. lol
ETA: I tried back in the day but I just wasn't prepared to deal with the "pink" but now...IDK. If he's the one, he's the one.
ETA: I tried back in the day but I just wasn't prepared to deal with the "pink" but now...IDK. If he's the one, he's the one.