Hypocrites.........since we're on the subject.
I say cut her off!
Gay people don't need people like you as friends....life is hard enough! Afterall you probably wouldn't even show up to her wedding right? That would be hurt enough do her a favor and cut her off
Jesus would do that.....plus who knows maybe she will be soooo hurt losing you as a friend that she would become straight again...that and lots of prayer is sure to work!!! Oh and not to mention you could probably hook up with her family that is really upset about her new-found love of eating puzzy (because you know that is what is all about)
Whateva Lee you **** me off with that shiot!
Those "I'm sorry because I got some hate mail" post really make me lose respect for you...how you gonna be protesting in the streets but "biotch up" on-line, with a bunch of mofo you don't even know??? I'm starting to think you get off on the "oh now Lee don't worry about them, you're okay, don't worry about them" responds....what's up you feeling bad about who you are?? Let me find out yo azz been going to church....LMAOOOOO
Here's my thing, the same folks that send you hate mail...are the same mofo that are probably mad because their hair doesn't get as straight as yours with a perm, got baby daddy drama, don't have a man, ugly, won't stand for shiot, need some meds etc etc **** EM!!!
I wish I would put out an apology post! puh-leazeeeeeeeeee...what you need to do is put those BL's on blast....put those shiots out here...that is if you really are getting them...I'm just sayin'
on 9/24/09 2:36 pm
I don't find a need to get serious about every post on this board, as a matter of fact I avoid it most times, but don't get it twisted I have no problem telling a mofo where to step the **** off.
Yep your right I get off on people sending me hate mail and getting cottled, it feels almost as good as that *** tastes that Cookie posted about.

Church I think we both know betta than that, I don't frequent a place where I know if they knew anything about me would be trying to save my condemed evil soul or dam me to hell.
"how you gonna be protesting in the streets but "biotch up" on-line"
In those ******g streets is where the **** really counts, People on the internet don't affect my income, my rights, or my marriage like those in real life . I live in reality
I give respect to anyone who will take time out of their lives to get off their ass and stand for hours and fight for their rights. Fighting on the internet ......NOT NEARLY AS IMPORTANT.
All due respect and love based upon my experience of you, it seems you cater to the idiots on-line....if they don't matter to you why do you post the retractions? Why did you pull your fathers pic that one time only to repost it? Didn't someone have a problem with your beautiful vacation pics and you stopped posting them as well?
That is why I said what I said about biotchin' up...these internet folks were important enough to have you do those things....I'm just sayin' Lee we are who we are....and I make no apologies!