Hypocrites.........since we're on the subject.

on 9/24/09 3:47 am - PA

The fact that you think it's a possibility that she's trying to buy you says it all.  If you cannot maintain your friendship without feeling like you're compromising your beliefs, then tell her now.  Don't be a fake friend and break her heart later.  If you truly want to maintain the friendship, take the time to educate yourself about bisexuality and/or lesbianism. 

Where is the "hypocrisy " in your scenario?


on 9/24/09 3:52 am
I guess originally I felt like I was being fake or a hypocrite for not going with her.......but i think differently now.
on 9/24/09 3:56 am
Ummm - you already know me - so don't trip.

If you are really really a friend - you gotta chuck past that - it ain't like she's looking to lick YOUR cat - if she even licks cat at all.......

I am so different than others, I think - I don't see sexuality in terms of men or women - it's just love and attraction - doesn't matter WHO you find it with - just that you find it.  Hard enough to be happy in this crazy ass world without having to put the right label (according to someone else's eyes) on it.

Lemme ask you this - would you feel as 'wierd' if she had a new man?  You stated it was wierd cause she was with ole boy then BOOM - the chick.  You would be cool if she jumped spry with another dude?

And as far as her not telling you about her attractions to women - you don't know if this is her first relationship with a woman and Imma tell you - I had two turnouts - baby - they NEVER think they COULD be attracted to a woman - the person she's with is who she's bonded to EMOTIONALLY.  I am happy for her to have not blocked off being happy because it was a woman and NOT a man...... 

And just cause she's with a woman now doesn't mean if they break up or whatever that she will be with another woman in the future.  I ain't had a girlfriend in YEARS...... ain't tryna find another either cause.... umm - well - that's another thread..... I still LOOK tho!! 

I say you need to talk and put your garbage out on the table with hers and yall pick thru it together.

And as for the gifts - if she ain't NEVER bought you nothin before - then don't accept.  Otherwise - she's your friend, dangit!

As for the concert - she might be mad, might not - never know lessen you ask - you might find that in her creation of a new life for herself with this person, she's trying to see who else fits in that with her and you may be crossing yourself off the list. 

And (I'm almost done) - just because YOU don't eat p*ssy don't mean that you can't talk to, be friends with or hang out with someone who does.  Her gasoline draws aren't going to catch your ass on fire.  You think that by shutting her out and not being a friend you're proving your beliefs or standing for what you think is right?  Is your belief that the truly blessed and Christian don't even ASSOCIATE with whomever they decide are 'sinners'?  If that ain't what you believe - then you're not 'compromising' your beliefs by being her friend.  

That's my $1.48 on it (it was longer than the $0.02 version.... LOL)

I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions!  I'm saving on the newsstand price.......

Check out my dating mis - adventures at: http://1macdatinggame.blogspot.com/

on 9/24/09 4:11 am

I was waiting on you so I'm not tripping at all.

After posting this and reading I think I'm mad at her. Maybe the way she sprung it on me. It's like she listen to my crazy weekend stories about my gay cousin and how we hung out etc so she know my take on that matter. I think I would've been shocked either way...........male or female. I mean she was just telling me that she was going to try to work it out with old dude and couldn't stand him. It was a shocker like.........I'm out! It's crazy and was a snowball affect........cause she quit here, moved and every other week she's around the world.

You are right we need to talk and put the garbage on the table and sort through it. Imma call that heffa tonight.

We were still talking right after the concert but I see it slowly fading......

Honestly, I don't think she's trying to buy me.......we always helped eachother out so i think she's like.........look........I CAN do this now type of thing.

Mack said:
You think that by shutting her out and not being a friend you're proving your beliefs or standing for what you think is right?  Is your belief that the truly blessed and Christian don't even ASSOCIATE with whomever they decide are 'sinners'?  If that ain't what you believe - then you're not 'compromising' your beliefs by being her friend.  

I am not shutting her out at all. she knows all my dirt..........yeah I'm blessed and a Christian but I'm still filthy and full of mess. As a Christian I won't call my self a sinner I just strive to SIN-LESS but we all fall short. I just have my preference an it's strickly dickly.

on 9/24/09 4:20 am
I just have my preference an it's strickly dickly.

Umm - ok.  So what?  The way you stated that is kinda strange to me.  Is it that you think she might 'turn' you or you might walk in on a carpet munching session? Or that you might hafta hear a story about how last night in the bed w/ole girl was off the chain? What's got you squirmy and feeling 'compromised', really?

I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions!  I'm saving on the newsstand price.......

Check out my dating mis - adventures at: http://1macdatinggame.blogspot.com/

on 9/24/09 4:31 am
Not at all..........I'm confident with mine. that was just "our" saying...... we are strictly dickly........our joke..........which points out another issue I'm having with this whole situation..........again it may be the shock factor.

If she's my girl on the real like I say........I'm going to have to come straight with no chaser. Part of me feels like she was tired out being broke and any way out..................like it could be all about the money but I'm not afraid to ask..........
on 9/24/09 4:34 am
Yeah - yall need to talk for real.

And hell - I got a 'rule' about not being with old dudes - but a 74 year old mofo that pays my bills and puts $$ in my hand every month can take his teeth out and lick the lining out..... umm - damn!  I keep getting these threads mixed up - this ain't the Christian sex thread either......

Ummm - so yea - yall talk that out - hope errythang work out.....

I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions!  I'm saving on the newsstand price.......

Check out my dating mis - adventures at: http://1macdatinggame.blogspot.com/

(deactivated member)
on 9/24/09 4:39 am - Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI
Wow!! I love this post.  I have been bi for years, but normally keep it to myself...not for fear of being judged, but just because there are some people I don't want all up in my bidness!!  I'm grown, and can do what I please, lol. 
 I understand how it can be weird for you...as far as being kinda shocked about the whole thing. In her defense though, I'm sure it wasn't the easiest thing to tell you...yes you, even through all of your closeness.  I didn't tell my best-friend until about 5 yrs ago, for fear that she wouldn't want to be cool 'like that' anymore.  When I finally told her, it was like..."oh, ok", and that was that.  I think, it would be best if you 2 just discussed this.  Just put it all out there.  If you're ok with her choice of sexuality, let her know that.  If you're concerned as to why she never mentioned it to you...ask her. You may be surprised at her answer.  You not going to the Beyonce concert might have made her feel a little dissed.  She may not have been trying to 'buy your opinion', maybe she just wanted to hang with her homie. 
on 9/24/09 4:48 am
 Yup, I'm calling her tonight cause obviously this is bothering me as well.
Hondurian Queen
on 9/24/09 4:54 am - BOSTON, MA
I think you need to call your friend and tell her how you feel about her not confiding in you cause I believe you both are mad with each other and hey friends go thru this but dont mess up a good friendship because you both werent honest with sharing with each other how you feel. you have to realize she may not have known how to tell you her girl how she felt about other women. so dont be to hard on her and on yourself it will all work out as long as you want it too


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