OT: Ain't nobody ask you that...........
Fill in with your examples for the following:
Don't you hate it when...........
-- you state your opinion/feeling about something and some mofo comes along with some shiot trying to dilute your statement? (i.e. i hate rainy days!! mofo says 'rain is what helps grass grow - so you have to have it) Ummm - no SHIOT dufus - I STILL hate rainy days - I needed no reminder of the PURPOSE.....
-- you think up your outfit for the next day, then when you go to get dressed that morning you discover you forgot to take it to the cleaners so you can't wear it that day
-- you check your bank account balance and get happy cause it's more than you were thinking THEN remember the shiot you have yet to pay/cover so it aint' really money in there
-- you wake up without the alarm going off and you feel refreshed than a mofo, look at the clock and discover you are up 3 hours too early???
I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions! I'm saving on the newsstand price.......
Check out my dating mis - adventures at: http://1macdatinggame.blogspot.com/
Insomina is very common in post WLS, from the feedback I've seen over the years - crazy thing is that we aren't tired - but we wanna sleep, dammit!!! LOL
I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions! I'm saving on the newsstand price.......
Check out my dating mis - adventures at: http://1macdatinggame.blogspot.com/
Insomina is very common in post WLS, from the feedback I've seen over the years - crazy thing is that we aren't tired - but we wanna sleep, dammit!!! LOL
I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions! I'm saving on the newsstand price.......
Check out my dating mis - adventures at: http://1macdatinggame.blogspot.com/
I hate it when.................
~ folks asks you questions they already know the answer to. Like, how did you lose that weight?? You are the one spreading my business so......
~ events are unorganized..............just my pet peeve
~ fake folks............if I have a problem with you I can't smile in your face - I have to address the issue at hand. Now we can disagree and that's cool but I won't act like I'm not mad at you knowing I'm pissed.
My daughter is at a new school - they've had one parent meeting (mandatory) an open house.....
Now MY past experience with open houses (at WHITE SCHOOLS -yea, I said it) is that you have a brief (10-20min) formal intro - then everybody goes around checking out things WHY did I sit through 1.5 hours of the 2 hour open house listening to a DIATRIBE/LECTURE reading the school policies and code of conduct?????
I already BEEN thru school bytch - I CAN READ!!!!!!
They bet not say SHIOT when I don't show up NEXT year......
I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions! I'm saving on the newsstand price.......
Check out my dating mis - adventures at: http://1macdatinggame.blogspot.com/
Most women hate that theirs boyfriend/hubby leaves the seat up on the toilet,, well
mine puts it down,, and closes the lid. There is nothing worse then running to the
bathroom in the middle of the night half asleep to go in and sit down on the lid,, I
hate it.
I hate it when someone comes to my office at work and say's "I hate to bother you",,
I reply,, then "don't" and get out my office.
I hate it when Carl steals my food.
Oh,,,,,, I hate when I go in the bedroom,, make the bed there is not a wrinkle any
where,, and then my hubby goes in there,, sits on the bed and gets his pills
together for the day,, and has left wrinkles in my bed,, I Hate it.
I Hate it, when my youngest son calls me and says,,, "Ma,, I know I already owe
you money,,, but can you loan me a hundred?,,,,, hell no,,
Oh,,,, I hate it when someone says "Girl if I had your hair I won't wear a pony tail
every day"... Hate it.
I hate it when someone says,, "how much weight have you lost now". and "how
much more are you going to lose".,,
I hate when people are blowing the horn at me because I WILL NOT turn on the
red light.,,, yup,, that's me in front of you ,, and I ain't turning. Turning on red is
a choice,, and I choose NOT to turn on red.
Oh,, like last night,, I made my hubby fried chicken, baked mac and cheese, some
candied yams, and string beans,, he came in from work,, Oh,, we had a meeting at
work and they ordered in food,, I Hate it.
Ok,, I'll stop now.
and that toilet lid thing ain't cool at ALL!!!! I have done that - but I don't have a good excuse, I live alone - but what had happen was.... I was drunk one night......LMAOOOOO!!!!
I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions! I'm saving on the newsstand price.......
Check out my dating mis - adventures at: http://1macdatinggame.blogspot.com/