I'm Home!
Well, I was released going on 7pm last night, They were gonna keep me because my O2 was 85-88 and I wasn't able to pee. They had to straight cather me 3xs to relieve my pressure. The next time they were gonna re-Foley (?) me, but I was able to go. Wasn't able to do anything but belch, burp, and hiccup, but surgeon said the passing gas and BM would come (and has it ever!).
So, O2 was going b/t 93-96 and urine output was good, so they let me go home. (BTW, urine was b/c they gave me more pain meds than usual due to my fibromyalgia - it had to get out of the system b4 I could tingle b/c of the high dosage). So they switch everyone to Roxicet on day 2.
Surgery was textbook according to Dr. Johnson and the anesthesiologist (who was by 1st thing Tuesday). I had one VERY bad pain episode and it would be while shift change was happening.
I woke up from surgery (that I didn't know I had) and saw the nurse. I was gonna say I change my mind. The biotch had the nerve to say "your surgery was great" before I could get it out. O was like,well damn!
I took long walks and got around good. One lady whose surgery was later in afternoon than mine had to stay - she couldn't even walk to radiology. She didn't wal****il LATE day 2 (she had gas - so I slipped her some contraband - Gas X strips and she said it helped a LOT! Her family told my coworkers I was REALLY sweet - they wanted to know if it's the same chic and then asked the nurses & PCTs was it the meds! They said I wasn't any trouble, that I was cracking them up and told them I was a great patient - they were worried about my fibro and handling pain, but other than that...
So, I've gotta go downstairs and sip liquid - we alternate - 2-4 tbsp protein, then 2-4 tspn liquid. So far, only 2 tbsp of protein - the **** ain't bad! Using Nectar Roadside Lemonade mixed in water and HPL as liquid.
Will check on phone, b/c here alone during day and stairs working me (a lil weak). Head hunger messing already - not to the point of crying, but to the point I'm used to waking up and having a bowl of cereal. Sigh.