Did Jesus wear a stopwatch?
I'm with you all the way on that one dude..& you know what I never receive one from the same person more than once because if that damned chain email says send it to 20 people you want to bless in the next 30 seconds......I SEND THE EMAIL TO THE PERSON WHO SENT IT TO ME 20 TIMES. Problem solved.....NEXT :)
Change is a Process Not an Event
I used to do that from one of my Linux servers here at work (I had a homegrown program to do it and everything), but the internal IT department here shut my little program down because I had it sending out so many daily to the same few "fanatics" that they thought it was me SPAMMING people I didn't like.
But I definitely feel you on that one. If you can get away with it, play like Nike and just do it.
I don't like those "forward if you love Jesus" emails either. I have politely told people to stop sending them and all other chain letters. But... I've got one hold out who continues to do it at work on my work email address. She is totally superstitious about the forward to 10 or 20 people in x minutes or something bad will happen. She's even got the nerve to put a read receipt on it. To foster harmony since she is a co-worker I open then promptly DELETE.
<-----thinking maybe, just maybe I may have gone a bit too far with the BackSide BaptistEpicopalianLutheranCatholicBuhdist Choich thing..maybe..could be..just a teeny weeny bit? Naaaaaah. lol
"When Alexander saw the breadth of his domain, he wept for there were no more worlds to conquer." Plutach. Not true, for there are always more worlds to conquer.