O/T - What say you?
I feel sorry for the dog.
I don't blame her in this situation. It was an accident and she's probably crying over that dog right now.
Michael Vick, on the other hand, was an idiot. He got the big head and thought he was bullet proof because he's a professional athlete. He served his time though, so he should be allowed to work just like any other person who paid their debt to society. I hope he learned from it and will rid himself of the folk that encouraged his foolishness.
people wonder why i'm an racist....I wonder why we haven't heard much about thi***** ass cracker!!
Through her in jail and forget about her ability to make an living...or any of that she's a thoughtless, forgetful, unforgiving woman who should be punished for irresponsible actions...who owes Vick an apology...
Through her in jail and forget about her ability to make an living...or any of that she's a thoughtless, forgetful, unforgiving woman who should be punished for irresponsible actions...who owes Vick an apology...
First of all people kill me with this huamn versus animal....
Michael Vick did not do those things to those dogs because they were hurting humans and therefore made a choice between hurting the animals or saving a human therefore giving priority to one over the other. But cruelty and abuse to animals for fun or profit is HORRIBLE and inexcusable....
Do I think Vick deserves all he got no I think that was harsh but that's what these "ninja's" as MM calls them forget that they only on top as long as others are making money (an asset) when you start cutting into the money (a liability) they will drop you like a bad habit. Come on people its not racial its business 101 and that's what Vick forgot that he was a product that now has a tainted brand/image.
In this case the difference is "accident" versus "intentional" regardless of animal or human. Vick admitted to fighting dogs and KILLING them by his hands or his flunkies this lady made a mistake and I PROMISE you her mistake will weigh on her heart a lot heavliy and she won't "lose" anything else monetarily (sp?) than the only thing Vick sorry for is that he got caught.
Michael Vick did not do those things to those dogs because they were hurting humans and therefore made a choice between hurting the animals or saving a human therefore giving priority to one over the other. But cruelty and abuse to animals for fun or profit is HORRIBLE and inexcusable....
Do I think Vick deserves all he got no I think that was harsh but that's what these "ninja's" as MM calls them forget that they only on top as long as others are making money (an asset) when you start cutting into the money (a liability) they will drop you like a bad habit. Come on people its not racial its business 101 and that's what Vick forgot that he was a product that now has a tainted brand/image.
In this case the difference is "accident" versus "intentional" regardless of animal or human. Vick admitted to fighting dogs and KILLING them by his hands or his flunkies this lady made a mistake and I PROMISE you her mistake will weigh on her heart a lot heavliy and she won't "lose" anything else monetarily (sp?) than the only thing Vick sorry for is that he got caught.