Thanking Your Family For Support!
Hello OH Members!
Do you have a family member that you would like to thank for supporting you in your WLS journey? How has this family member best supported you? OH Magazine will be featuring your messages to that special someone in our holiday Nov/Dec issue.
Email your message to: [email protected] and include in the subject line: THANK YOU FAMILY. Please also include your name, the family members name and your address so that if your message is selected for publication, we can send you copies of the issue. Photos of you and the family member are a plus!
All my best,
Tammy Colter
OH Magazine
I have a great family and friends, I am truly blessed to have people that love me the way they do. Especially my mom!!! God thank u so much for bringing such an amazing woman into my life. Words cant express how grateful I am to my mother and all she has done 4 me. She is my best friend, my number one fan and is always on the side lines to cheer me on. She didn't agree with me getting WLS, she was very scared in fact and totally against it. I guess mostly for the fear of something bad happening to me, but she put her feelings aside and was my fence threw it all... still is!!!!