OT - Christian Voodoo singalong! Oh no he deh int...
Ayy yo,
I was doing some research this past weekend on the history of the black political power structure here in America and got side-tracked onto another equally juicy-azz topic, which really blew my mind all together. A noted and prominent author once wrote that, "Blacks do not make good political candidates due to their superstitious nature, lack of control to readily believe in conspiracy theories, religious dogma, and such, to the point where any credibility that they may have had [political arena] is quickly lost or easily discredited because of their inability to subscribe to pure logic in lieu of religion, heresay, and unfounded rhetoric..."
The author was Black!
Now I know we as a people do tend to sometimes have more stuff running through our dayum minds than a dyslexic kid with ADHD trying to take a standardized test on an empty stomach, but do we generally as a people subscribe to superstition, roots, Voodoo, etc... to help us solve our dilemmas or to shape our lives? Oh yeah, alot of us swear up and down that we "are Christians - washed in the blood of the lamb, yadda, yadda, yadda...", but some of those same Christians can't help but do stupid **** like not sweeping dirt out of the front door after 6pm out of fear that it will bring ill will their way or won't even whistle in their own homes because of some dumb-azz belief that all their money will leave their house - and these ninjas were broke as hell to begin with (I guess somebody was a rootin-tootin Bobby McFerrin kinda mawfugga living with them back in the day huh?). Are you superstitious by nature? What made you that way? Voodoo practitioners and users: Does Voodoo even work for you?
Holla atcha boy.
No, I am not superstitious and I do not understand why some people are. I can not wait to hear some of the responses because I really want to understand what makes a person superstitious.
People are so worried about what they eat between Christmas and the New Year, but they really should be worried about what they eat between the New Year and Christmas. ~Author Unknown
No, I'm not superstitious by nature...but I also don't go out my way to test it either.
You know the ones who go around intentionally stepping on cracks to dispell the 'break ya mama's back' theory...I don't mess with it.
The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate. - Oprah Winfrey
No, I'm not superstitious by nature...but I also don't go out my way to test it either.
You know the ones who go around intentionally stepping on cracks to dispell the 'break ya mama's back' theory...I don't mess with it.
Change is a Process Not an Event