OT: NOW the race thing has gone too far.....
Hey #1 Mack....listen....this is coming from a sista that lives in Minnesota....born and raised...this doesn't surprise me....I've lived in the suburbs for the majority of my life.....this isn't new to me...I have to teach my 19 year old son how to deal w/the popo's just like I had to teach him how to wash his azz.....yah feel me!!!....after one encounter with my ex-husband (and there have been many) where they stopped us, put him and his brotha in handcuffs (only black men in the car), and was about to take him to jail because there was a robbery in the neighborhood and they was pulling over all black males in a vehicle within the radius....I knew then it was a different type of justice for black men....this here....ain't nothing new!!!
I keep pressing on....a lifetime of challenges...but still I rise!!!....Thank U God!!!
We live in a neighborhood where we are the minority. This happened a couple of weeks ago. We heard voices outside in our driveway. So we went to see what was going on. This young lady was walking up the drive arguing with this guy. Alphie (my son who is not as saved as I am) told them get away from around out house with that sh*t. I ask the young lady if she needed me to call the police? She said yes, The guy said no and continued to tell her to get in the car. She said no I'm not going anywhere with you. So I told her to come inside and called the police and of course he sped away. As he is riving off she says my baby is in that car. So the police arrive and take a report. She is crying an upset. The police was at my house for more than an hour and a half. The guy took her car back to where they were originally and the baby and those girls who happen to be pink called DHS saying she had left her baby and car there and left with him in a different car. Finally the officer says your baby is at the police station and DHS is coming. Can you call someone to come and take you home. I told him I would take her to the station and take her home. Well these girls had called her mom telling her the girl left her baby, so her mom is ready to put this kid out. I called her mom and told her she did not leave her baby. I take her to the station and the detectives take her in the back. In the mean time her parents show up. Now the desk guy is someone I know(who by the way is also pink, and he tells me that girl was not honest with you, she took her baby to that house let her there and her car. She left with this guy in another car. I didn't say anything. When the young lady came out she was crying and the detective spoke to her parents. I ask if he needed me an he ask who I was. I told him Rev. Peaches Smith. He said oh you are 1405 Richard St. I say yes, he asked me what happen and what kind of car was the guy driving, I told him a silver car with the back window broken out. He said thank you and went back in the back. DHS came out with her baby and she thought they were talking the baby instead they were giving the baby back to her. Those girls lied on this child and the story fell apart when they said she left with him in a different car. They were all ready to take the word of these girls and yes I believe it was a color thing. The dude is not the baby's father so they issued a warrant for assault on her she had marks on her, kidnapping and auto theft. I told this child God always has a ram in the bush and tonight I am your ram. God is awesome and so amazing. If she had gone to any other house these pink folks may have called the police but that's all they would have done.