loss of a parent
Everyone told me with time you will feel better. I lost my father a year ago May 14th and it still hurts today, just thinking about him brings tears to my eyes. I'll pray for you and your family to get thru this trying time as I really do understand what you are going thru. I really don't have an answer for you,but i pray things get better with time for you and your family. Just have faith and know he is in a better place and at peace.
It was and still is hard and he passed May 5, 2003. He had cancer and had alzheimers when he passed. I just have to think how he isn't suffering anymore and concentrate on the good times we had and thank God for the time I had to spend with him. I have to keep reminding myself that I was so lucky to have had such a great man as a father and continue to thank God for that as I ask him to help me get through it. I was a daddy's girl for real. I'll be praying for you and I'm sorry about your loss.