Forgive-Daily Devotional
Good Morning,
What a beautiful day the Lord has given us. I am so happy to be on this side of life. I have not always been saved and even know I am saved I still fall short. I am so happy God's love is so true he forgives us even for the things we do not even know we did wrong. That is why it is so important for us to forgive one another. We will all make mistakes and it should make it just that much easier to forgive others. You want forgiveness you must give forgiveness. We must forgive others and ourselves. All we can do is the best we can leave the rest to God. It is my prayer today that forgiveness be in our hearts so we will can obtain that better quality of life called heaven.
God Bless
What a beautiful day the Lord has given us. I am so happy to be on this side of life. I have not always been saved and even know I am saved I still fall short. I am so happy God's love is so true he forgives us even for the things we do not even know we did wrong. That is why it is so important for us to forgive one another. We will all make mistakes and it should make it just that much easier to forgive others. You want forgiveness you must give forgiveness. We must forgive others and ourselves. All we can do is the best we can leave the rest to God. It is my prayer today that forgiveness be in our hearts so we will can obtain that better quality of life called heaven.
God Bless
Ephesians 4:32 (King James Version)
32And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you.
Forgivness is a topic taught on regularly in our church. I also want to add that holding unforgiveness against someone can be the cause of medical conditions. Also, forgivining is not for their benefit, but for yours. That person may not have a clue or could care less that you are holding unforgivness against them, but yet, YOU are the one that's suffering, not them. YOU are the one who is not living your purpose or destiny, because you are allowing unforgiveness to hinder you and your blessings, as you are being stubborn & disobedient in not letting that person go & releasing them. So, in the natural they may not deserve your forgiveness but you are hurting yourself in the natural & spiritual realm by continuing to do so.