HEllo family
I hope I have come to the right place for some support and to develop some friendships. I am attempting to have a revision. I was wondering if there is anyone here that has had one, or have any advice for me pertaining to it. I had my gastric bypass in 04 and have gained an ugly 60-80 pounds back. I am so discouraged and disappointed in myself. So happy that I have found this forum. Please family I could use some love right now.....thanks!
Hi Mary,
I haven't had my 1st yet, just wanted to say hi.
Be prepared - some will be sweet and some are streaight, no chaser. Some use humor to soften the blow, and some come at you for maximum effect (they want to make no mistake that their point is clear).
All in all, it's supportive, just from different POVs.
I haven't had my 1st yet, just wanted to say hi.
Be prepared - some will be sweet and some are streaight, no chaser. Some use humor to soften the blow, and some come at you for maximum effect (they want to make no mistake that their point is clear).
All in all, it's supportive, just from different POVs.
The revision has definatly worked for me. I'm so much happier with my revision... should have done RNY from the beginning. I only had to see the psych guy and the nutritionist again before approval. I had always been to follow up exams so the insurance company knew I was in compliance and was doing everything I could to work with the lapband. I have never felt better in my life since this revision. I am 12 pounds away from my docs goal and 22 from mine...so I'm very happy. I'll hit you up with my number on the backline.