on 4/30/09 3:43 pm
on 4/30/09 3:43 pm
It seems like every woman on BAF is having PMS this week me included. I was having horrible cramps and not wanting to do **** today. I went and did a second run at the park, I wasn't meaning to run I was just going to clear my head from some of my stress but I ended up running.
Your right April you came to far to not finish, you only have one week left and I remember you promised you were going to follow me in the 8K. I'm waiting on you girl.
You can so do this
Your right April you came to far to not finish, you only have one week left and I remember you promised you were going to follow me in the 8K. I'm waiting on you girl.
You can so do this
Salty Pickle a.k.a. Lee
No worries Lee I will be there week after next! I have made a commitment to myself to get seriously back on track as soon as the semester is done. This is my year to nail this down. I am not going to let school, work or people make the lbs creep back on. I havent come this far, fight this hard to be the woman I was 6 years ago!