Getting my sexy back

(deactivated member)
on 4/28/09 11:00 am
Okay, I'm losing weight and that's great but I'm still flabby especially in my thighs.  Right now I've been doing alot of cardio but I need some tips for toning.  For those of you that are basically at the weight you want to be and started really big/flabby, have you noticed that your are more toned or still flabby.  If more toned, which exercised did you do or what machines in the gym worked.  I have free weights that I'm incorporating in the workout schedule but I'm still flabby.
(deactivated member)
on 4/28/09 11:06 am
Every trainer I have ever had has sworn by lunges.  They'll help loft the tush too.  I also alwways take the stairs when I can.  All for naught-there'll be a lower body lift in my future.
(deactivated member)
on 4/28/09 11:09 am
Do you do lunges everyday or every other day?
(deactivated member)
on 4/28/09 11:19 am
When I was working out consistently, every other.  And don't forget the squats.  My trainer would have me stand in 1st position-if you ever took ballet.  Your feeet pointed outward with heeels almost touching.  There would be a dumbbell weight on the floor just in front of my feet and I would squat till I could touch the top of the weight.  It really works the inner thighs.

I did cardio 5 days a week and alternated upper body with lower body muscle groups every other day. 

There are others on here that can give you mucch bettter advice than me though.
(deactivated member)
on 4/28/09 11:24 am
thanks Michelle.  I'm setting up my schedule now.  I have to plan out everything to stay focused.
on 4/28/09 11:13 am
How serious do you wanna be? 

It's not just one exercise that's gonna do it.  Squats, lunges and deadlifts are three major components to leg exercises - doing just one will not give you overall tone, each works a slightly different part of the leg.  Also - calf raises. 

There a whole different roster for upper body - my opinion is that you don't want to focus on just one area, if you are going to start strength training, full body is the way to go so that you are conditioned overall

I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions!  I'm saving on the newsstand price.......

Check out my dating mis - adventures at:

(deactivated member)
on 4/28/09 11:16 am
Are there any dvds you guys can recommend or somewhere online that can guide with the overall conditioning?  I'm dead serious with this.  I've seen people lose alot of weight and just look gross.  I want to look healthy
on 4/28/09 11:19 pm
Hey Apple!! How are you? I'm so glad you posted this question.....I'm noticing the flabby arms/thighs right about now. I was told just to focus on cardio but maybe that's wrong. Let me know what you plan to work on???
When nothing else could help................LOVE lifted me!!!!
Kim B.
on 4/28/09 11:34 pm - OH
This is a link to an exercise site that will give you the option to choose the area on your body that you want to target and it gives you exercises to target those areas.  Enjoy!

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