Is it just me
Thanks Double Ayy!!
I knew I could count on you for a good visual!
...boy if thats not enough to turn your stomach. I guess I have been in denial...all these years....thought pigs ate corn slop....did not think about all the other ingredients you just added. I was raised in the south but NEVER actually saw the animals being fed growing up... Grandma took me to a friends house that raised chickens and all I remember seeing was a chicken get its head chopped off and running around headless.... talk about traumatizing a poor kid...LOL!
I knew I could count on you for a good visual!

Was the pigs for mass market? My grandparents were hog farmers and the swine was given some "slop" (we used to go to the neighbors with a five gallon bucket to get theirs...eeewww) but it was mixed with farm grade mush to supplement their meals.
~~~goes back into my corner to count the days until I can have my first rib bone~~~
~~~goes back into my corner to count the days until I can have my first rib bone~~~
On April 29, 2009 at 4:59 AM Pacific Time, Double_Ayy wrote:
I'm not a Muslim (nor do I play one on BAF-TV), but I haven'/t eaten pork in over 23 years. I gave it up shortly after taking a trip down south for vacation one year and my cousin took me and our other cousins from up north to his farm, so that we could watch him feed his livestock. He had chickens, cows, and, of course, pigs there. The chickens got grinded up corn to eat; the cows got hay and grazed all day in the grass; and the pigs got "slop." Now this slop consisted of all of the leftover **** from breakfasts, lunches, and dinners that we humans refuse to eat or whatever was typically left over after a meal. Plus the pigs ate whatever we "city boys" threw into their pens. A bag leftover from some potato chips - Chomp, chomp, chomp.
A quarter from my pocket... - Chomp, chomp, chomp.
A bottle top from off of the ground... - Chomp, chomp, chomp.
A bullet from my cousin's 9mm... - Chomp, chomp, chomp.
My point is I don't understand how farmers can feed these animals garbage (**** we wouldn't even eat) and consumers will turn around and say that pork is one of the best tasting foods they've ever eaten. I'm a software engineer and one of the first lessons that I've learned is GIGO - Garbage In; Garbage Out!
Stop eating garbage! Say no to pork.
Many Eastern religions also don't eat pork believing that it causes many of the body's ailments.
I agree that pigs do eat whatever but red meat (cows) is actually much worse for you--higher fat consumption and a huge increased risk for colon and pancreatic cancer compared with other meat products. Red meat is also higher in a particular iron-carrying protien (can't remember the name) that tears up your digestive tract.
As for me I will **** up a pork chop. No bread please.
If it's simply a matter of what they eat versus cows or chickens however--you should never eat catfish, tilapia, halibut, cod, flounder, sole and any kind of shellfish as they are all bottomfeeders or otherwise "shiot" eaters.
Hi MahoganyDreams, I do not eat pork because of my religion. I am muslim and as you probably already know we do not eat pork. Reason is because it is Haraam to eat meat of the swine which is believed to not be clean and also because of the ways that animals must be slaughtered to make the meat Halal, pigs cannot be slaughtered in that manner because of the anatomy. Now my fiance does eat meat that is not Halal, pork, or shellfish, I on the other hand leave it to not eating pork but everything else it a go and I can never see myself being a vegetarian.

Thanks G!
I just looked up some info on Haraam AND pork...and the page I found spoke about how dirty the pig is because it eats its own waste and harbors a lot of parasites etc.. etc... I think I am definitely getting my mind made up about dropping the pork! See what happens when you ask the questions....definitely is becoming an eye-opener. Thanks for posting.
I just looked up some info on Haraam AND pork...and the page I found spoke about how dirty the pig is because it eats its own waste and harbors a lot of parasites etc.. etc... I think I am definitely getting my mind made up about dropping the pork! See what happens when you ask the questions....definitely is becoming an eye-opener. Thanks for posting.
Although meat doesn't really agree with me, I'm looking forward to the day when I can clean off a rib bone or tear into a pork chop sandwich. For now, it's all about soy crumbles and soy strips.
Chicken is actually the worst carrier of harmful bacteria. That's why there are filled with soooooo many antibiotics. But cook it until it's no longer pink and the juices run clean and you are ready to go to town on that yardbird!
Chicken is actually the worst carrier of harmful bacteria. That's why there are filled with soooooo many antibiotics. But cook it until it's no longer pink and the juices run clean and you are ready to go to town on that yardbird!
Hey Wonkad!
@ I'm looking forward to the day when I can clean off a rib bone or tear into a pork chop sandwich. For now, it's all about soy crumbles and soy strips.
Really almost anything could cause problems for us nowadays. If its not the pork and the chicken...its e coli in our vegetables.... I am about ready to start my own garden like the OBAMAs and save the cash and the health risks.
Yep...I love my chicken though....can't give it up! No way!

Really almost anything could cause problems for us nowadays. If its not the pork and the chicken...its e coli in our vegetables.... I am about ready to start my own garden like the OBAMAs and save the cash and the health risks.
Yep...I love my chicken though....can't give it up! No way!