You have got to be kidding me!
on 4/28/09 10:36 am
Michelle I have never leased an apartment but di lease an townhouse a few years back before buying my home. tOne of the many of reasons I don't care for renting is you can pay faithfully for "20" years and the minute you are late OR can't pay nothing can be done about it.
I am SHOCKED you are even sane enough to even make it to BAF to post. I SWEAR that same officer would be back with the paramedics pulling my foot out of old girl azz..
I would seek legal counsel myself and sue the mess out of the complex for THEIR MISTAKE. As you can tell they had no problem seeking legal actions against you.
I would sue them for "mental anguish" they caused and the "embarassment" of been served in front of others. (Can you tell I work for a law-firm AND watch Judge Matthis?) LOL
on 4/28/09 10:42 am, edited 4/28/09 10:43 am
Hell the officer was back at the office when I walked in with my hand full of paperwork. I think he could see the steam coming off of me, because he looked at me and told the office staff he was gonna be there awhile having a cup of coffee.
Hi Michelle,
check with your legal rep to learn your rights. In many cases you can counter sue for triple your loss. Gurl a year ago I was scheduled to move to a townhome and the management company rented out to 13 people but only had 8 units available. They were banking on no shows which is common within their complex. That day it backfired so 4 people became homeless as a result with my neighbor and I being 2 of them.
We sued the socks off of em. Didn't even know that their actions were illegal. They had to pay our storage fees, pain and suffering, my mother rent, and our rent at the next complex until last May amongst other fees. I will say that it was a very hard fight, we also went to the media. I never would've sued but one of the staffers ( a sister) seemed to think that the whole nightmare was funny. She got fired, and we got the last laugh all the way to the bank.
Best wishes.
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That every 3 check they would be call asking the same ?. I'll tell them to check the mail and when they find it to call me back. Do you think they every call back

One of the reason I double copy every thing I also have car repairs copied. Had to do battle at the car dealership they thought they had all my paper in the glove box. I had 2 sets when I walk in that office their face was priceless.
They was saying one thing and the paper work with their signature was saying everything I way saying NICEEEEE.
Pay back was sweet.
Hope you get everything you go for.

Proverb 16:9
May not be where I want to be but I glad to be where I'm at.

Working at getting the rest of the way.
12/10/2012 I'll be having LBL, BL/BA, thigh & arm lift, eyelid
Body by Dr. Sauceda booked to 12/9--12/22
If it's not in their files, some ish is bout to go down, like a turd to the sewer! Like a hooker on a john! Check isn't missing - some skank done spent it!
Good luck!