You have got to be kidding me!

(deactivated member)
on 4/28/09 10:20 am
So I was sitting at home this afternoon, responding too my budddy Double Ayy's post and there's a knock at the door.  I ignore it, I live in an apt, people make that mistake often enough.  Any who the person knocks again, I answer the door and there's a county sheriff at my door to SERVE me! 

Apparently my apt complex has arranged a court date as the 1st stage of the eviction process.  But as #1 Mack Mama would say, "Hell to the naw, Bobby!"  Call me a pack rat, disorganized, a clutter hound, whatever-but my rent is up to date.  Hell I over paid to the tune of almost $50 for April ( I like round #s).

So I hightail it to the leasing office with my documentation-thank goodness I make rent payments with Cashier's Checks.  Not only do I have my copy of the check payment I also have the notice they sent me asking me to renew my lease.  As I sit there and watch the girl fumble thru all her paper work the clock is getting closer and closer to their closing time.  She had the nerve to ask me if I'd leave my copy of all the documentation with her so she could do investigating.  Hell no you can't have all my proof that you effed up!  So she makes a copy and tells me not to worry, she'll straighten everything out.

Now I'm not worried cuz I know its a mistake on their part, but now that I have been served and the court papers say a failure to pay can lead to an automatic judgment against me, I now have to take a day off of work or hire legal representation to stand in for me that day.  Is it unreasonable for me to expect them to compensate me for the day I have to miss work?

on 4/28/09 10:24 am - Grace Land, MD
(deactivated member)
on 4/28/09 10:26 am
Thanks, that's sweet-but I still wwanna go knock some heads together!
(deactivated member)
on 4/28/09 10:24 am
Michelle are you kidding me!!!  Hell yeah they better compensate you further more they need to take care of this now so you don't even have to go to court.  That is just ridiculous and you deserve some free rent.
(deactivated member)
on 4/28/09 10:26 am rent, I hadn't even thought of that.  Well the court date is in 2 weeeks.  Once its in the court's hands I don't think I can just not show, can I?
Dimple Donna
on 4/28/09 11:47 am - Chicago, IL
Hey MUST file your appearance in court...otherwise, even though this is an obvious error, a judgment can still be entered against you for not showing up.  I would definitely file my appearance and BRING ALL DOCUMENTATION - CANCELLED CHECKS, ER THANG with you.

I choose to love myself, live life to the fullest, and encourage others to liberate themselves!
263.jpg image by DimpleDonna228.jpg image by DimpleDonna
on 4/28/09 10:27 am
LOL - not that you quoted me on that shiot!  LMAOOOOOO

Hell yea raise some HEYL with they ass for that **** - I would act a plumb pure D FOOL

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(deactivated member)
on 4/28/09 10:29 am
I think I was just shicked for a bit, the more I think about it the more angry I get.  And let me tell ya, that line of yours was the only thing that came to mind at the time.
(deactivated member)
on 4/28/09 10:29 am
That's some B.S. right there.  If there was a problem, they could have contacted you first instead of getting a court order.  That's ridiculous and they need to correct this plus some.
(deactivated member)
on 4/28/09 10:33 am
Well they put the 5 day notice on my door, and I just figured my check got caught up in the slew of checks dropped in the drop box over the weekend before late notices went out.  I did make a copy of my cashier's check at that time and included a note informing them of their mistake-I  didn't hear anything else, so figured everything was status quo.
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