borrowed from R&R: make me pull this car over, hear?......
gurl i was just thinking the same thing. some of the other posters on the board said remember when we were little (i was a latchkey kid @ 9). now my baby's 9 and i could not imagine allowing her to let herself in the house and be alone for 3 hours a day. pssssh, i JUST gave her a key to the bottom lock only LOL!
(deactivated member)
on 4/29/09 6:26 am, edited 4/29/09 6:32 am - Sweet Dreams lives in , PA
on 4/29/09 6:26 am, edited 4/29/09 6:32 am - Sweet Dreams lives in , PA
LOL! made me think of a funny story. My sister and I were latchkey too. I was about 10 and my sister was 6. I was visiting them one summer. mom has to go out somewhere so she left us there (was not really a wise thing to do even then). My sister was in a playful mood and she went to the kitchen and started swinging on the refrigerator door (poor kid's swing set LOL!)...anywho....I was like dang that looks like I made her get off cause it was my turn...Well I got on the door and swung to the front and swung to the bac.....BAM BAM BOOM!!!!!....the whole dayum refrigerator fell over....I mean I forgot that I was a big ass kid for my age.....did not have no business swinging on that thing. I swore my sister to silence and had to make up this big ass lie about me feeling sick to wake up to find the refrigerator knocked over.... I even had the nerves to be laying on the sofa....looking all dazed and confused when mom came this day...I think she bought it.....cause we did not get a whoopin...that day!!!...and my mom would make us go break off our own switch....
The syllable spanking!! did-nt' I tell - you-not-to do-that-a-gain! Did-n't I tell you? You're gon-na lis-ten to-me-next-time-I-tell-your lit-tle-smart-a$$-to-do-some-thing-you un-der-stand me?
Pops? 2-3 hits and out. Hell, even with my dad's big hands, that was better than the SS!!!
Latchkey? I was latchkey in 3rd grade - 8 years old. mom went back to work after sis made 4 and I was mature (and mouthy) for my age... but I sure was scary @ 1st, but when Inspector Gadget, then Thundercats, He-Man, & GI JOe came on while I ate my bologna & ketchup sandwich (funny, used to love them - wouldn't eat ham, turkey, etc - can't think about eating that now...), I was O****il a thunderstorm...
IDK ... never thought about that part of parenting... thought on the internet/cell phone portion...
Pops? 2-3 hits and out. Hell, even with my dad's big hands, that was better than the SS!!!
Latchkey? I was latchkey in 3rd grade - 8 years old. mom went back to work after sis made 4 and I was mature (and mouthy) for my age... but I sure was scary @ 1st, but when Inspector Gadget, then Thundercats, He-Man, & GI JOe came on while I ate my bologna & ketchup sandwich (funny, used to love them - wouldn't eat ham, turkey, etc - can't think about eating that now...), I was O****il a thunderstorm...
IDK ... never thought about that part of parenting... thought on the internet/cell phone portion...
It's child abuse if she left the kids on the side of the street, and the mother SHOULD be punished if she left them abandoned on the highway, there are many other ways to deal kids that are mis-behaving in a car.
I would think a good ole fashion a$$ whipping would have been a lot better and safer and then they would think twice before acting up in the future...but the mother SHOULD be punished for that. It seems like she don't know how to raise the kids does not take but ONE GOOD A$$ whipping to straighten out a kid to make them behave and respect adults.
Naomi i know you didn't mean that to be any parts hilarious but i can't stop laughing at it does not take but reminds me of the pastor's call to parishoners "we're now opening the doors to the church and if anyone amongst us would like to come forward, if there's just one...............good ass whoopin"