NO MORE BIG GIRL... Question for the Ladies

on 4/28/09 10:22 am - Brooklyn, NY
Well It's been 6 weeks since my surgery and total weight lost before and after surgery I've lost 65 pds. I never would have thought, that would ever be possible. I'm so grateful for having this surgery.

Well anyway, I went out for the First time in a long time on Sat and I had so much attention from men it was a little overwhelming, And for the first time, No guy called me a big girl.
I was called thickness all night. I was blank .
Then A guy walked up up to me and Said " Thicknes i was calling you and your ignoring a brother" lol I was telling myself are guys referring to you as Thickness??? I was shocked because I still consider my self a big girl... 
The challenge now is deal with how men are approaching me more often than before.
I fell like a fat kid in a candy shop( and then men are the candy) Summer Time is almost here!
How did some of you dealt with the transition of losing weight and dealing with men?
God is good all the time!
(deactivated member)
on 4/28/09 10:27 am
Congrats Ms.  Enjoy it girl.  Seriously though, 65lbs in 6 weeks is just mind your thang girl.
on 4/28/09 10:34 am - Brooklyn, NY
Thank you!
but maybe I should have been clear I lost 33 before my surgery and now After surgery I lost 32 in 6 weeks. Now that's more normal. LOL I would have been scared if i did lose 65 pds in 6 weeks lol
God is good all the time!
(deactivated member)
on 4/28/09 10:37 am
Girl, I'm still proud of you and by the grace of God that will be 65lb gone forever. 
on 4/29/09 2:56 am - Brooklyn, NY
Thank you so much I never would have realized how a few pounds off your body makes a big difference
God is good all the time!
(deactivated member)
on 4/28/09 10:40 am - DMV Diva Member...for!, NC
 I wish some dude would walk behind me referring to me as thickness as a means of stepping to me.  But anyway congrats on the new found attention. Glad you had fun.
on 4/29/09 2:57 am - Brooklyn, NY
Ha I know I have a protocol when it comes to men so that was a new one for me calling me that to get my attention.
God is good all the time!
Tha Pinkster T.
on 4/28/09 10:43 am
Enjoy it! It was hard for me at first and I was angry. Now, I let them say what they want to say and then silently its "NEXT"
Tis better to be dis-liked than to be loved by them cuz your always on their mind.   

Pretty In Pink
Graphics & Myspace layouts


on 4/29/09 2:59 am - Brooklyn, NY
Thank u It's funny dealing with guys after surgery I just look @ them in a different way now.
God is good all the time!
on 4/28/09 11:41 am - Orange, CA
LOL@thickness .
It's a big change coming from being practically invisible to all that attention.  You will adjust and realize that most of the ones that approach you is just fluff.  To the fillers, I simply say thanks for the compliment and keep it pushin.
Honeymoon challenge Participant.  It's about to be a hot summer

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