Your Free Ride is OVA!!!!!!
Hey Ya-Ya!!!!!
We tell all ours that their lease is up at 21 and 6 months. I'm setting expectations EARLY. You've got time to go to school, get a plan and make that plan start to work. After that it's all on YOU!!! Can't have a bunch of grown folks up in the house - wanting to do grown folk things and not paying the grown folks cost.
It has worked for the oldest, she's been gone over 2 years - she's had some ups and downs but she knows - NO BACKSIES!!
Now the young one's are looking at us like we are crazy they are 9 and 11 but they know just when their lease is UP. The youngest says "Mom, what if I can't pay my rent?" I say "That's why you need to get good grades now - so you will be able to". He said "I'm NEVER LEAVING YOU!" I said "Oh hell YES you are". BET in 2021 you turn 21 and by september you to WILL BE GONE!!
OMG tick tick tick tick.....I've got 12 years of child rearing left!!!
We tell all ours that their lease is up at 21 and 6 months. I'm setting expectations EARLY. You've got time to go to school, get a plan and make that plan start to work. After that it's all on YOU!!! Can't have a bunch of grown folks up in the house - wanting to do grown folk things and not paying the grown folks cost.
It has worked for the oldest, she's been gone over 2 years - she's had some ups and downs but she knows - NO BACKSIES!!
Now the young one's are looking at us like we are crazy they are 9 and 11 but they know just when their lease is UP. The youngest says "Mom, what if I can't pay my rent?" I say "That's why you need to get good grades now - so you will be able to". He said "I'm NEVER LEAVING YOU!" I said "Oh hell YES you are". BET in 2021 you turn 21 and by september you to WILL BE GONE!!
OMG tick tick tick tick.....I've got 12 years of child rearing left!!!
Peace & Blessings, Sharon
6 years and counting
6 years and counting