We have all gone astray-Daily Devotional
Good Morning,
What a beautiful and cold day the Lord has made. I am going to have a wonderful day and I claim it for all that will read this message as while. We are all guilty of being sinners ,but this should not be our excuse for not striving for perfection. We have the perfect example in Jesus of how to deal with trials and test of this world. We need to lean on this example and not the excuse I am human or we are all sinners. We have all fallen but as saints we must get back up and do better. It is my prayer today that we can stop leaning on excuses and do what is right. Jesus paid the price so we could be free from the bonds of sin so lets not cling to sin any longer lets cling to KING JESUS.
God Bless
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Isaiah 53:6 (King James Version)
6All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the LORD hath laid on him the iniquity of us all.