I am LOVING facebook. I have connected with a whole bunch of ppl in haven't seen in ages. Of course, most of them didn't recognize me at first. LOL.
I am LOVING facebook. I have connected with a whole bunch of ppl in haven't seen in ages. Of course, most of them didn't recognize me at first. LOL.
"When Alexander saw the breadth of his domain, he wept for there were no more worlds to conquer." Plutach. Not true, for there are always more worlds to conquer.
Good morning, everyone.
Yaya--I can't find you!! Add me!
Yaya--I can't find you!! Add me!
1.) The BACKLINES have backlines. Watch what you say and more importantly WHO YOU SAY IT TO!! 2.) There are NO secrets on BAF. DON'T BE FOOLED!!
3.) The person who says: "I'm going to tell you something, but you can't tell anyone." has already TOLD 50 other people!
No--this isn't from experience--well, not MINE anyway!