It's not that I don't believe in God...
First I would like to say that I'm not asking to be recruited to any particular faith, I'm not even concerned so much with what your individual faith is. How do you know that He ( She if that's where you are) cares/loves you? What makes you know that?
What I would like to know is what's wrong with me?
I've always had a spiritual side right, I mean it was ingrained into me that God exists and that he loves you etc. I never felt it. I tried, I served, i followed the rules, but I never felt a connection with Him. I still don't even more now than in the past I think.
Black American's have a history of spirituality. My mother has believed in God strongly since she was young and didn't have ANYTHING. Here I am I have, well not everything, but I have a life, home, car, family, friends, food, clothing, and this new chance at life because of WLS and I question that God cares about me personally. When I think about it too much it makes me sad, but when I don't think about it at all, and don't try to get to the bottom of it, that makes me feel so ungrateful. GRRR.
So back to my question, why do you believe in God, Why do you love Him? why do you follow him? Why don't I?
I know this is totally a personal topic, it is for me anyway, but I haven't found any good answers yet so here's to taking another stab at it.
- Angela
I believe in God because I suffered so much as a child and as a teen with alot of things and I know only God could of brought me out of it. I lived the lowest of poverty situations as a child and suffered a lot of differnt types of abuse. I made it out with my mind in tack and a peace no one can take from me. I know 100% that only God could of done that for me because my siblings were not so lucky. I believe it was my faith that he would rescue me and make it better that I am who I am today. So it takes faith to have that connection. You have to know he exsist and loves you to really feel and see his true power. When you step out of the bed in the morning you do not always look down but you know the ground is there that is the same approach you have to have with God you may not always see him working but you know he is.
God Bless You My Sister
Why don't I? That's something that only you can find the answer too.
Sorry for rambling. I hope some of that made some kinda sense.