Thank you darling... I tell you one thing... She can tell the tale, but that ass would be telling it to them WALLS in her room for a LONNNNNNNNNG time... My sister even made her hang up the scrub that they gave her in the hospital since she couldn't move her legs and they had to cut her out of her clothes... She told her for every LIE you tell you can print it up on that scrub on your wall... Then hopefully you will think about the NEXT LIE you want to tell...
I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions! I'm saving on the newsstand price.......
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I am so happy for the Grace that GOD has shown your family. It is great that you have raised a child that respect you enough to heed your word, especially around matters of safety. She needs a hug and a treat for that; let's praise the good ones, cause the not so good ones seem to get all of the attention.
Peace and Blessings to You and Yours.
Be Well, Live Well
I Am Most Excellent - Affirmed Only Of GOD.
I wish for You, what I pray for Myself: Wellness, Happiness and Success In ALL Things Good!
I know for Sure I Control: My Attitude and Effort, My Health and Happiness.