Prayer Request
Hello all who know me and those who don't. I am requesting prayers for my big sister Monica. Besides her kidney failure, gastric paresis and diabetes which create an on-going battle, she has cataracts in both eyes and a detached retina in one eye. She is scheduled to have surgery this morning at 9am EST to repair the detached retina. After this surgery she will be "blind" (due to the healing process and the cataracts) for a while and I know that this will be very difficult for her. Thank God my folks came up from SC to help with her, the household and the kids. Prayer is powerful. I hope you have some to spare for my family. I am also hoping that I will finally be approved as a living kidney donor for her before summer's end. This is our 2nd year trying and I don't know if another year is in the plans. Please say a special prayer that we will get approval for this surgery ASAP. Thanks!!!
Before After
(With my beautiful, skinny, au naturale self )
Consider your big sis prayed for. (((((((((Baby_Phat)))))))))
It's gonna be alright. You'll see. :)
It's gonna be alright. You'll see. :)
"When Alexander saw the breadth of his domain, he wept for there were no more worlds to conquer." Plutach. Not true, for there are always more worlds to conquer.