Hairstyle opinions please...........
OK, now I will admit that I have hair issues and it was really hard for me to rock the style I am now sporting because I thought it wasn't corporate enough!!! It worked out OK, but I will say there is limits to how much you let your "Hair-ethnicity" show in corporate America. I even shy away from the braids so I am very conservative about the hair thing. Now I report to a Black Director and Managing Director at a very diverse company, but I am mindful of how I am perceived. Just my not so humble opinion, as I believe in management you still have to be concerned about the perception thing.
Now for all of you who want to say I am being a sell out FUGG YOU! Its just my opinion no judgements passed on anyone who sees it differently.
Working on me - want to be better in everyway not just physically!!! Its a process no time to judge or be judged!!!!
the way we roll - my clients have straight UP said don't even THINK about wearing a suit to their meetings - it's just that relaxed......
Imma chill in the cut and think about it.......
I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions! I'm saving on the newsstand price.......
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we gonna have to square up!!! Im so tired of you getting ALL the styles im getting lol... I was in braids...u was in braids...i switch to short switch to short getting kinky twist on u getting opinions on getting them!! UUGGGHHHH LOL whats up with that?!?!?!?!?
I guess great minds think alike
My life is like McDonalds....I'm Lovin It
Hey - great minds DO think alike - Imma need you to post your pics on Wed so I can get a second opinion!! I need to 'roll' RoRo and Brenda to the agreement side!!!!!
I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions! I'm saving on the newsstand price.......
Check out my dating mis - adventures at:
Working on me - want to be better in everyway not just physically!!! Its a process no time to judge or be judged!!!!
she told ME that i SUCKED major wind as a manager!!! Well - I would SO love to tell that heffa 'HOW YOU LIKE ME NOW????!!!!!' - all the things she bombed me on are my STRONGSUITS according to my recently delivered review at my current job - she can BITE ME!!!!!
I will continue to think on it - chances are I will chicken out - I have considered twists before and have yet to 'give in'........
I appreciate your reply tho - you know the 'work' me so I really listen to what you say!
I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions! I'm saving on the newsstand price.......
Check out my dating mis - adventures at:
Damn!!! Now yall done scared me OUT of it.....
Back to my freestyle braids then.........
I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions! I'm saving on the newsstand price.......
Check out my dating mis - adventures at: