Jehovah Witnesseses please...
Please don't put the fear of GOD in me. I used to try to get closer to the Lord, but he kept moving in mysterious ways.
In my initial post, which was originally aimed at kjtajj's (I think that's how you spell her username butter rum... ), I was pointing out that we all do things that were not originally taught at home but we came back to them; however, the lessons learned while we strayed should stay with us. But the more I read these other posts I'm now seeing why "they" say that you shouldn't talk about "religion and politics" in mixed company. People are quite passionate about those two topics.
As for your fuscia color fonts, hey do you.
Just do me a favor and please change the background to some other color that won't cause me to have friggin seizures
or make me risk eye strain
when I try to read your blog.
Lawd knows I can't keep shaving down old Coke bottles to try and get the right prescription to try and see anymore.
In my initial post, which was originally aimed at kjtajj's (I think that's how you spell her username butter rum... ), I was pointing out that we all do things that were not originally taught at home but we came back to them; however, the lessons learned while we strayed should stay with us. But the more I read these other posts I'm now seeing why "they" say that you shouldn't talk about "religion and politics" in mixed company. People are quite passionate about those two topics.
As for your fuscia color fonts, hey do you.
Because I no longer subcribe to religions and see myself as more into spirtuality, I will just sit back and watch this exchange.
"When Alexander saw the breadth of his domain, he wept for there were no more worlds to conquer." Plutach. Not true, for there are always more worlds to conquer.
Moi? A fornicator? Why, I never......
Moi? A fornicator? Why, I never......
"When Alexander saw the breadth of his domain, he wept for there were no more worlds to conquer." Plutach. Not true, for there are always more worlds to conquer.
Okay this kinda reminded me of a joke i heard awhile ago. There was a man lost at sea and he prayed and prayed to God to save him. After spending a couple of days at sea a boat came to rescue the man. Instead the man told the boat captain, no no God will save me. So the boat left. A period later another boat came to rescue the man, again the man said no no God will save me and again...the boat left. Still the man prayed and prayed to God for Him to save him. And yet another boat came to rescue the man, and yet again the man said. No no you can leave me God will save me. After three boats came and he turned them all away the man sadly died. When the man got to heaven he asked God Why didn't YOU save me? God looked at the man and said...I sent three boats to you!
Now i am not making of light of your friend situation but when i hear stuff like that it always remind me of this. Sure this is a joke but if you look deeper you can get some real meaning out of it to. Like you TAW i never could grasp how someone can turn down help of the people that could save their lives. Who is to say that the very one you are turning away from isn't the one that God put in your life to save you? I am not trying to pass judgement on anyone faith so if it comes across like that it is not my intent. However for me i just cannot wrap my mind around it.
Now i am not making of light of your friend situation but when i hear stuff like that it always remind me of this. Sure this is a joke but if you look deeper you can get some real meaning out of it to. Like you TAW i never could grasp how someone can turn down help of the people that could save their lives. Who is to say that the very one you are turning away from isn't the one that God put in your life to save you? I am not trying to pass judgement on anyone faith so if it comes across like that it is not my intent. However for me i just cannot wrap my mind around it.