Get Your Degree-Daily Devotional
Get Your Degree
Pastor Sherman Scott
II Chron. 7:14 says, "If my people which are called by my name shall humble themselves and pray and forsake their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will heal their land."
I can remember growing up in church going to what was called "Prayer Meeting" on Thursday nights. Every service had a prayer. We prayed in the beginning, in the middle, prior to the preacher's sermons, after the preacher's sermon and again at the closing of the service.
My church toke serious the admonishment to "pray without ceasing."
Why did we pray so much? The church believed that there was power in prayer. They literally thought things would change because of it. Looking back in retrospect Prayer did change things! I am living proof it changed me.
I often say that the mothers, deacons and even some of the preachers back then did not have degrees from a University or College however; they earned a degree in Kneeology. They knew how to pray. They knew how to talk to the Father and equally as important they allowed the Father to speak back to them; that is prayer!
I want to encourage you to earn your degree in Kneeology. Take time out and speak to Father and let the Father speak to you because there is power in Prayer.
In 2 Chronicles 7:14 we are told that if we humble ourselves and pray, turn from our wicked ways we will hear from heaven and our land will be healed.
Looking at the world today, I would say we need our land healed. According to the recent statistic released by the government over 4 million people are out of work, over 500,000 lost their jobs last month alone. The average time to gain employment is about 12 months with only 26 weeks of unemployment.
Let's earn our degrees by not worrying, refraining from both doubt and fear. Edwin L. Cole stated "The place of agreement is the place of power." It is a basic key to the Kingdom of God. There is great power in agreeing with God and His Word. Let's see the power of prayer.
The good news is there is open enrollment. You can start praying now and help bring change we all can believe in.