To answer your question
You submit when you've worked out all your **** and you no longer see submission as a negative.
I know you said fellas, but we all know there aint none round here and the few there are aint gonna answer cause they're on patrol for boobie posts.
It is never too late to be what you might have been
~George Eliot
It's not quite a "blame the victim" mentality, but at some point personal responsibility does come into play. If you ****** up and XYZ happened, then you know what not to do again. If you didn't **** up and XYZ still happened, that's life, hopefully you've learned what to look for next time or learned something valuable about yourself or whatever the case may be.
Unfortunately we can't control what someone else is gonna do, we can only be true to ourselves. There's nothing wrong with being cautious about being bitten, but I think that people get so deep into their defense that they become offensive and THAT alters the course of what could be Never feel guilty about bouncing on a situation if it doesn't feel right, but don't let your past issues be what convinces you that it's not right. (Feel me?)
I just think holding onto **** cripples your mindset and then you're prone to making a whole new set of mistakes cause you didn't learn **** last time
It is never too late to be what you might have been
~George Eliot
thanks for ur input cause u took the words outta my mouth!