The Time of Your Life
my happiest time was when i was between 5-7 years old. we lived in the projects. errybody lived there and we had so much fun...skating, riding big wheels, bikes...going to the ice creme vendor to get cones for a quarter. we had a penny candy lady down the street that would hook us up for a little bit of change. we had a few scuffles from time to time and hung out at the basketball court in the back of our apartment. the innocence of that time...the good ole days.
then my momma got all high and mighty and went back to school to get her degree...she was one of those types who hated hand outs. anywho, once she got her degree we moved out the pjs...that was the saddest i remember being when i was a kid
"If you want to go forward, you put the car in D. If you want to go backward, you put the car in R." ~ President B. Obama
Definitely my youth. Family was always tight and I was a tom boy because my cousins in my age group were boys. We spent HOURS practicing the routine for the break dancing show we were going to put on in the back yard. The one that was going to make everyone want to come and pay $2 to see!
That was back when my grandfather would pay us 50 cents to clean up the yard or help him in the garden and it was cool because you could either get massive penny candy or would have just enough to buy a packet of koolaid, a pickle, and a cheek-o-stick!
When the street lights came on the "bad kids" headed to the park to play catch a girl get a girl while we had to be on the screened in porch. If it was the weekend you could stay up late on the porch and even sleep out there on warm nights.
On the weekend the good humor truck would come out around 9 or so selling everything from ice cream to pickled pig's feet. I'm more than sure this truck wasn't for the kiddies, but was for teenagers and older people who had the munchies.
Man those were the days!!