I Don't Know Why This Irks Me So!
Food stamps...I have had them in the past, and used to stretch them with coupons/sales/etc. However, i won't lie, I used to have a little come up bartering them with friends to get rid of the excess and redistribute resources.
As far as people making poor choices, it does suck, but i agree with the other poster who said we need to reconsider the availability of reasonably priced healthy alternatives. For example, if i wanted to feed my children fruit, for about a dollar i could probably get a can of fruit ****tail. I could then distribute that amongst maybe 3 kids as a side dish or snack. For that same dollar, however, i could get one good sized apple, orange or peach to try and split among them. So even trying to be "healthy" the cheaper option would be that one that is soaked in high fructose corn syrup and preservatives.
And, we might also consider that for some, food is their only "treat" or "luxury"...since cash is limited for other extravagances, getting their kids some oreos may be what they can "afford" to do.
That being said, some people just are uneducated and/or just dont give a damn what they eat. I know that sometimes i make poor food choices, because i want the taste, calories, fat, carbs, etc be damned. And this is an intelligent person who has had surgery, knows how to read labels effectively...so what about those who truly have NO idea?
Sorry NOT buying the NO idea arguement!
Like I said I was once too on welfare...in Cali makin' major dollars..nobody taught me how to shop...Common mofo Sense is all it takes.... you can't tell me all these folks are tricked into buying all 4 for a dollar when its still 25 cents a piece!... I think folks have more sense than that! Well dayumm I sho hope so
Food stamps should gear the way they do things like WIC limit that shiot!
Im not saying everyone is like that....but some people just dont know. Just like some people dont know that they can file their own taxes for free online (while having internet @home to make a myspace page) but will go to some hood tax spot and pay $300 for someone to get them a "quickie" refund. **** for free with turbo tax you can have it deposited right into your account when your income is at or below a certain rate.
Everyone just isnt educated about things, and there are no widespread programs out there to offer help.
Some people REALLY don't know. How to shop or even cook ANY of the stuff you were talking about. Some of our sisters don't have the smallest idea on how to fry chicken. Do a survey and find out how man of them do and if they do when was the last time they did. Why would they? When they can easily get it from KFC or some other avenue. Why would they want to waste there time in the kitchen when they can get something that them kids can cook themselves? My nephews are being raised by a sorry mofo like this in KC and they can cook EVERYTHING in a microwave b/c there sorry a$$ mamma can't cook and all she buys is microwaveable crap. I so hate it. but I realize She can't do any better because she doesn't know better nor does she want to do better.
It's a shame a true shame but when you know better you do better. Problem is she will NEVER know better, unless someone like you tries to reach her and grab her and pull her in and let her see she can do better, and should do better and HOW to do better.
OMG will you stop with the excuses already!
I don't know how to fry chicken either...but can bake the hell out of it..now you really done irked me by saying they can easily go get KFC...a mofo that is on food stamps ain't got NO business taking their arse into KFC!
Call me what you want...still not buying it! Our people NEED to do better
(at Ro Ro) Tha Pinkster is not trying to cook every dang day for these kids. Yes! My shopping cart if full with capri suns (50% water kind) to travel with when I take these kids out, frozen pizza for friday nights, chicken nugggets (lil Allyson), chef Boyardee when I don't feel like cooking, and about $100.00 worth of fresh meat!
And for the record,no i am NOT on food stamps in fact myself and my husband and 2 kids went last night to do some shopping,and although we stayed on the outside aisles(where the healthy food is) the bill still came up to about 250.00.....I just don't like to see folks criticizing and not helping.
Yes I am being judgemental and Yes I am sterotyping (afterall it was the first of the month carts were packed to capacity it is a store in the hood, you tell me if you wouldn't have drawn the same conclusion)....and Yes it still irks me!
I don't know why it irks me but it does..
And NO I wasn't overweight while on assistance...in fact that was when I was at my best! I got fat when I had to the money to spend on fast food and when my company would pick up the tab, lunch meetings crap like that...Didn't gain my weight on gov't aid...sorry didn't do it!
So what if you were sterotyping
So what if it irks you
So what if you were/were not overweight while on assistance
It's YOUR dayum business! You can post whatever the **** you want on here and should not explain a dayum thang! Whoever doesn't like it....KEEP IT MOVING!!!!!!
BTW - I didn't agree with the fact that it irked you...hell, I did the same thing during my short but helpful stint on assistance, but did I jump in here all high and mighty....NO! Because that's YOUR opinion and your right to feel that way.
What the hell can you...as one person...do to change what grown folks buy with their food stamps? Like someone else said..at least they were buying food....some sell the food stamps to get other things.
***as I walk away muttering under my breath...don't get me started on a cold azz Monday morning!*****
eta - this is in response to what that goal160 person wrote to you Ro
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