I Don't Know Why This Irks Me So!
Ro we come from the ole school were we had to cook folks these days don't know how to boil water so makin a decent meal is out the question....... we had to cook real meals and make that **** stretch for a few days....... those frozen banquet dinners and canned spaghettios is a waste of money and taste like crap I understand its cheap but 10 cans of spagetti & beanie weenies along with a dozen boxes of frozen dinner whats that gonna cost them............you come out much cheaper makin a big ass pot of spaghetti making that last for several days.
I have a question: What were YOU eating to make YOU so fat years ago? Did YOU know better? What did it take for YOU to change the way YOU consumed food?
As for me...I am "educated" and health conscious, BUT that didn't stop me from eating pure shyttt. That's why my BMI is over 50! AND I know better. Let's cut folks a break and opt out to educate then EFFECTUATE. These and many other problems in the Black Community is why VOLUNTEERISM is sooo needed in small NonProfit Orgs. In the Atlanta area alone there are sooo many Black Women organizations that offer education on nutrition, budgeting...Black infant mortality is skyrocketing. Anyone can GIVE what they can give....time, money, knowledge. I used to sit on several non-profit Boards, and believe me they can use any help and they value the effort.
Someone had on their signature: "Well DONE is better than well said."
I say, "Real Passion demands ACTION!"
As for me...I am "educated" and health conscious, BUT that didn't stop me from eating pure shyttt. That's why my BMI is over 50! AND I know better. Let's cut folks a break and opt out to educate then EFFECTUATE. These and many other problems in the Black Community is why VOLUNTEERISM is sooo needed in small NonProfit Orgs. In the Atlanta area alone there are sooo many Black Women organizations that offer education on nutrition, budgeting...Black infant mortality is skyrocketing. Anyone can GIVE what they can give....time, money, knowledge. I used to sit on several non-profit Boards, and believe me they can use any help and they value the effort.
Someone had on their signature: "Well DONE is better than well said."
I say, "Real Passion demands ACTION!"
Be Well, Live Well
I Am Most Excellent - Affirmed Only Of GOD.
I wish for You, what I pray for Myself: Wellness, Happiness and Success In ALL Things Good!
I know for Sure I Control: My Attitude and Effort, My Health and Happiness.
What I ate for years to make me fat was stuff I PAID for.. its the food stamp thing that I have a real issue with... and to your point today really did make me want to actually step in and DO SOMETHING... that is how passionate I felt about it...maybe sit outside with a card table with makeswift flyers... something!