How much
I do a lot of soy. Soy milk, tofu crumbles and this wonderful tofu from Trader Joe's (I can't think of the name of it) that looks and tastes like beef strips...just more tender.
I've knocked myself against the head several times for poor choices that I've made. I've tested the H2O on sugar...I didn't dump. Yeah, stupid of me, but I will try my best not to eat the fruit off that tree again. Oh yeah, I recently tried a small piece of hot link that was bathing in BBQ sauce...hecky yeah I dumped. BeingthatclosetowhatIthoughtwasdeath is enough of an eye opener for me.
But I do feel great knowing that there are plenty of great choices out there. Have you tried Egg Face's site.....the SF chocolate cake was wonderful!
Hey Wonkad...I love eggface's site...I have yet to try something but I do read it and hope to make something one day...It is true what they say "Everyone is different"...I do eat bar b que sauce and have done okay with it...I did not try sugar and have not dumped yet, hopefully never.