Be you. There are haters everywhere. I know. I get them to. Lots of lesbians get respect on the board. Don't deny your GENDER. 0
I don't know what's going on or the history...but I am confused. You say "Live Your Gender," I'm thinking you mean "Live Your Orientation"; Now the real issue of confusion is that YOU are not open but you are demanding that someone else be. You are coming across as a hypocrite. What you are doing is like Me saying I won't respond to anyone who does not have a "real" pic on their avatar. People have their own reasons for what they choose to do.
Also, what people in the GLBT Community are learning and learned from the past is that "outing" someone is actually counter-productive and also NO ONE can tell someone else WHO they are. We are learning more and more about Orientation vs. Identity. For whatever reason it appears that your intentions are to harm this young man, Why? I just know from living that Karma or what ever you want to call it does exist. And the fact that You are trying to throw a brick and hide your hand does not eleviate the fact that your negative intentions may bring that "brick" back at You, and probably in a time, place and area that you won't even imagine.
Whatever this young man's Orientation or how he choses to self Identify, allow him to Live It As He Feels Fit to Do. Whatever he chooses is NOT a negative.
Most wonder why bad stuff happens to them...They (we all) have short memories of the mean Spirited stuff we put out. Be careful of that cosmic justice coming at ya...those "bricks" hurt.
Be Well, Live Well
I Am Most Excellent - Affirmed Only Of GOD.
I wish for You, what I pray for Myself: Wellness, Happiness and Success In ALL Things Good!
I know for Sure I Control: My Attitude and Effort, My Health and Happiness.
Be you. There are haters everywhere. I know. I get them to. Lots of lesbians get respect on the board. Don't deny your GENDER. 0
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