Spin of Yaya post....
I would also suggest journaling or blogging your experience, it may help in the now or just be a place of reflection for later. It can show you just how you have changed before, during and after.
Thanks Amanda for your response. I had to see a therpist to get a psych evaluation and I was thinking about seeing him again to get his take on how I could work out some issues that I may have with food. the thing is I sometimes go into denial and think I have no issue with food. But clearly this is not the case or I would not be where I am today. I think I will take your advice and give him a call. I see so many people who after surgery seem worse off emotionally then before they had it. I really do not want that to be me. I have a child to raise and I want to be the best mother possible physically and emotionally.
1) Get yourself a hobby that is going to substitute for the food whether its exercise, reading, knitting SOMETHING to occupy your time because you will find that you have a lot of spare time on your hand especially in the beginning that your mind will want to revert back to its old habits of gorging and overeating because of the amount of time you used to spend eating, thinking about eating, or complaining about what you ate lol
2) Get into the habit of drinking water because we need to make sure we get our 64-80 oz's of water in every day
3) Be prepared to take your vitamins I know a lot goes on in our daily lives but not being vigilant about your vitamins could mean the difference between life and death literally
4)You will look thin one day and fat the next and thinner the next and the same size you were pre-op the day after that and then be thin again all in the same week. Because the weight is melting off so fast you have a hard time adjusting the change that your body is going through mentally. The scale may not move one day eventhough your clothes are getting bigger and one day you may feel like a pre-o p and down a whole pant size
because for some of us (me included) the weight melted off I now have to force myself to go to the gym because that wasn't a habit that I have mastered thus far in my 10 month journey so you have to will yourself to the gym even when youre pulling massive numbers every week hell every day that you still need to get in the gymb ecause with that weight loss is also muscle and if you don't rebuild it you'll look like a blob with no definition and not too cute in some of those "cute" outfits you want to wear.
I know the body image thing will probably be major for me. I have that problem now. I have a hard time seeing what others see in me. So I know that it will be really hard after surgery. (I guess that is something I could talk to the therapist about.
Hi kjajj,
I'll say I've lot my 90% mental you have to stay on track. Sometimes it's easier saided than done. I"ve slip on the proteins
HB have to remind me to eat.(running to and from REB, I'm exhausted I just go to bed) I've still take my meds on time but the other85% is not work and not eating is not helping, problemly hurting everything more than helping.SO PLEASE STAY ON TRACK AND LEARN EARLY TO GET YOU SOME ME TIME.
Proverb 16:9
May not be where I want to be but I glad to be where I'm at.
Working at getting the rest of the way.
12/10/2012 I'll be having LBL, BL/BA, thigh & arm lift, eyelid
Body by Dr. Sauceda booked to 12/9--12/22