OT: Mirena users I have a couple of personal ?'s for you
I had mine going on 4 years, I had cramping for about a week but no spotting I still get my period every single damn month it's either a heavy period and not a lot of cramping for 3 days or a light period, heavy cramping and on for 7 days. I will also add that when I first got in insered my face broke out terribly! Other than that I have had no problems...Hope this helps!
Be more concerned with your character than your reputation, because your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely who others think you are!
I have had mine for one year - it took about a week for me to get 'used' to it - I cramped up for about that long. It took over 6 mos before my periods were any different - they are lighter now.
Um - one thing that um.... you ain't asked or talked about that I ran into.... ummm..... my BF can feel the string thingee......
Um - one thing that um.... you ain't asked or talked about that I ran into.... ummm..... my BF can feel the string thingee......
I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions! I'm saving on the newsstand price.......
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I've had it in twice. The first time I bled for 1 month straight. Got nervous and had them take it out. The second time I bled for 3 months, no cramping though. I had them take it out, So now I'm on the depo shot. I didn't like the idea of a nonstop period, when Its supposed to stop or slow down my period..
Hope it was helpful..
Personally...for me....the first time I was cramping about 2 days, then it was all over. The first time I had it....it was all good. In my younger days, I was a heavy flower, like7 days. But when I got with this deal, I USED to have 2-3 light days and that was it. Now for the real deal...in my case....The second one I got, I've been having irregular periods. I couldn't count on them to come at the same time every month, and for the last 3 years, I've been having like 2 periods a month. Seriously! It was be a full blow cycle lets say the first week of the month, then by the time the end of the month got here, I would spot again for about 3 days. I think it was probably stress.....DAMN THAT! Also as I got older, I picked up yeast infections often,....it was just a mess. So I talked to my GYN Doctor and we have decided to take it out. I'm tired of all the hassles, but like you said...everybody is different.