Belly Hurt!
Has anyone on the board had episodes of severe stomach pain?
Last night I had pain from hell! Woke me up from a sound sleep around midnight. It was like an intense burning cramp and located in the lower gut - you know, kinda like the way it feels after you've been punched REALLY hard. I’ve had similar pain a couple of times before and it resolved itself after a few minutes, so I figured it would go away if I could just wait it out. At first I just lay in the bed. After about half an hour I started trying stuff to make the pain go away. I paced the floor, massaged my stomach, curled up in the fetal position, stretched, sipped water, took narcotics ~ you name it, I did it. I even tried drinking a small glass of milk to coat my pouch just in case something was irritating my stomach. By the time I made it back upstairs, my mouth was salivating like I was going to throw up.
I finally woke up my husband to ask him to drive me to the ER around 3:30 just couldn't take the pain any more. I remember thinking to myself that I’d feel really stupid if we got half way to the hospital and I passed gas and it turned out I’d awakened him for nothing. At the same time though, I’d be very relieved if I didn’t have to sit in the ER or be hospitalized. As I was getting dressed, all of a sudden the pain vanished. I decided to get some sleep so I could go to work today. I did pass gas, but it was a couple of hours after the pain had subsided. Can GAS hurt that bad to where it makes your stomach burn and doubles you up in a knot?
I’m over 4 years out and thought I’d experienced every kind of gas pain out there.
I’m not hurting now, but things feels sensitive and tender. When first I sat down at my desk this morning I had some discomfort in the left upper part of my stomach, but not enough to go to the doctor. It went away when I shifted the waistband of my pants down. Mind you, the pants aren’t tight, but it made my stomach feel better not to have any kind of restriction on it at all. Other than that, I haven’t had any other problems today.
I’ve tried to analyze this, but I can’t come up with any common scenarios for when it happens. Yesterday I started taking some new cold medicine, but the other times I had the pain I hadn’t really done anything different. I didn’t have anything weird to eat or drink. My gallbladder has already been removed, so I know it’s not that. I have a small (walnut sized) abdominal hernia, but it’s been stable for several years. For a little while I wondered if I were experiencing a twisted or obstructed bowel. Still, if there's something in my G.I. tract that’s shifting around, I’m not even sure my doctor would be able to detect it while I’m pain free, but I'll still tell her about it.
I just had a really bad episode here at work about an hour ago. And no, it's not the gallbladder, as I had mine removed during the gastric bypass. I am thinking this may very well be an has made me so sick...very painful and also causes me to go into a cold sweat. But, it could just also be some serious gas pockets...because I've belched several times.
And just like you, the pain is intense, I feel like I'm gonna drop where I stand...and moments later...poof, the pain is gone! But for me, I've had a couple of episodes today alone.
My plan is to make a doctor's appointment - but not til after the M&G.
Feel better, love.

Hope you're feeling better.
I had similar symptoms at about 9 months post-op...I had an ulcer and still take meds for it today. It took a long LONG time to heal and when I had my last scope done it was still there but really small (1cm).
When I have episodes now I have Carafate that I can take but it's presciption. You can try's over the counter and that's what the doc had me take when I let my RX of Prevacid run out and we had to wait for the insurance company to approve it (not on my formulary). Whatever you do...don't ignore it just becasue the pain is gone

on 2/16/09 6:44 am - syracuse, NY