Has anyone heard of StomaphyX???
StomaphyX is a new and innovative revision procedure for individuals who have had Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery and have regained weight due to a stretched stomach pouch or enlarged stomach outlet. Approved by the US FDA in 2007, the StomaphyX procedure reduces the stomach pouch and stomach outlet (stoma) to the original gastric bypass size without traditional surgery or incisions and with minimal recovery time. It is not performed as a primary method of weight loss surgery, but as a type of revisional bariatric surgery for gastric bypass patients.
Why is the StomaphyX procedure performed?
Although gastric bypass surgery is successful in achieving an average of 60 to 80% excess weight loss, some patients start to regain weight a few years after surgery. The stomach pouch and stoma can gradually stretch over time as the body’s digestive system becomes accustomed to the changes and the patient returns to unhealthy eating patterns. The StomaphyX procedure reduces the stomach pouch and stoma to a size similar to the original gastric bypass surgery, once again limiting food intake and slowing the emptying of the stomach into the small intestine. This results in earlier satiety (feeling of fullness) and more weight loss. Without having to undergo additional traditional surgery, StomaphyX helps gastric bypass patients eat less and lose more weight.
How is the StomaphyX procedure performed?
First, the patient is put under anesthesia. Then, the bariatric surgeon gently guides the StomaphyX device through the mouth and into the stomach pouch inside a long, thin tube and performs the procedure using endoscopic visualization (miniature light source and camera). Once inside the stomach pouch, sections of stomach tissue are suctioned into a small opening in the StomaphyX device which creates folds of tissue that resemble a pleat. The folds of tissue are then fastened together with little blue staples to hold them in place, making the pouch smaller. The amount of folds required depends on a patient's anatomy, but usually a patient needs multiple folds. Then the opening between the stomach pouch and small intestine is sutured together to return it to the appropriate size.
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Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome. ~Booker T. Washington~
I have a GF that did it...paid THOUSANDS (it's not covered by insurance)...she lost a couple...and I do mean a couple of pounds...and then put it right back on in a couple of weeks

IMO...don't waste your time or money! Go back to basics...I know that may not be what you or others want to hear but it's the truth.
Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome. ~Booker T. Washington~