Never ask a question if you don't already know the answer
"Because of my disagreement with Diana Cox, I have been threatened and everything else on OH, that's why I took all my personal info down. "
Just to be clear, I never made a threat or anything else -- it was your own words that got you attacked by others (assuming what you say is even true). And I couldn't care less whether your profile is private or anything else about you -- the only reason we are having this conversation is that the more you post your stupidity, the more people read the thread and the more people learn about the DS. So I'm using you, utterly, and don't give a **** what you think. If what you spew can be deemed thinking.
Just to be clear, I never made a threat or anything else -- it was your own words that got you attacked by others (assuming what you say is even true). And I couldn't care less whether your profile is private or anything else about you -- the only reason we are having this conversation is that the more you post your stupidity, the more people read the thread and the more people learn about the DS. So I'm using you, utterly, and don't give a **** what you think. If what you spew can be deemed thinking.
(deactivated member)
on 2/14/09 9:46 am - Woodbridge, VA
on 2/14/09 9:46 am - Woodbridge, VA
On February 14, 2009 at 4:20 PM Pacific Time, Star Jones wrote:
Me?? Low self esteem??? Seriously? Any of my friends IRL or here would
at that statement!!!!
I'll vouch for that as someone who knows you both on here AND IRL! Miss Star is oozing with confidence--I wish she could share it with me! Unlike the self-loathing and inferiority ValueMe obviously works extra hard to find in just about everything...

Jill, all we can do is laugh!!

I've been pudgy, chubby, thick, and now fat........Imma give thin a go round!!!
SW-262, size 18W, 5'6"
CW-168 1/15/2010
94 Lbs down...6 more to go...changed goal to see Onderland for a hot second!
I don't need to mention everyone who supports me to make my point. Star may have read what I wrote and learned from it, but she didn't need my help to understand the DS was best for her and to get it herself. I mentioned some folks I actually worked with.
Just why do you object to my highlighting (which is one word by the way) the information I am trying to convey when I copy the entire Abstract? You have bizarre ideas about how to communicate with others.
FYI, just can't help noting:
It's low self-esteem, not low-self esteem
It's kow-tow, not cow-tau
It's ghouls, not Ghules
It's aggressive, not Agressive
It's vendetta, not vindetta
You should only use words you actually know.
As for you being a "threat" to me because you make "sense" -- that is just laughable. I am USING you. Though YOU certainly seem to have emotional issues about me.
Just why do you object to my highlighting (which is one word by the way) the information I am trying to convey when I copy the entire Abstract? You have bizarre ideas about how to communicate with others.
FYI, just can't help noting:
It's low self-esteem, not low-self esteem
It's kow-tow, not cow-tau
It's ghouls, not Ghules
It's aggressive, not Agressive
It's vendetta, not vindetta
You should only use words you actually know.
As for you being a "threat" to me because you make "sense" -- that is just laughable. I am USING you. Though YOU certainly seem to have emotional issues about me.
On February 14, 2009 at 3:48 PM Pacific Time, ValueMe wrote:
To Ms. Star Jones:OK, GREAT, so NOW we get to your problem. You don't have a problem with me disagreeing with the "data". And you acknowledge my right to take issue with it, as I do. Your problem with Me is that YOU perceive Me as "Uppity". OMG, I'll repeat Pat Harris' famous statement to a group of Black Students that tried to make her cow-tau to them, " I have NEVER been a White Man's ***** and I WON'T be a Black Man's *****" So, whatever YOU think is "Black" enough, and I don't fit that definition because I'm "UPPITY" ( I'm from the South, Blacks get that all the time from white folks if we sleep with 2 sheets on the bed or don't wipe our mouths on our sleeves when we eat or if we like baked chicken instead of fried), I take that as a COMPLIMENT...I attribute that to your low-self esteem. I heard that about you from several people that have emailed me but I don't jump to conclusion on people unless I SEE it for MYSELF!

As far as (Diana Cox). I have NEVER started a Thread using her name. I disagreed with the data she presented and she tripped because I am a Black Woman and had the audacity to disagree with her in the RNY Forum! You should re-read her original post in here... I don't see "Star Jones" being mentioned, I don't see her using your "great popularity" to support her position...YOU know why, "cause a ***** in the hand is worth 2 in the bush (that's Star Jones and her flunkeys). BUTshe wants to DISCREDIT the ONE that Got away. You and the others don't mean nothing to are EASY, just look at those "ass kissing posts", like she has to spoon feed yall; I'm a Threat in her eyes because I am NOT Uppity AND I actually make sense. Go back and COUNT how many times that she use my name in the original post. If she just wanted to present data...why not just put it up and ask what "WE" think. She didn't do that, she came in ATTACKING ME. AND YES, I have an EGO, ya better when you have to do business with white folks and 90% males! I better be able to stand against all odds and make my position clear.
Again, I have NEVER been a White man's ***** and I WON'T be a Black Man's *****if that's UPPITY>>>Count Me among the UPPITY !

I have said my piece and I am VERY CLEAR. I believe that Diana Cox is a RACIST and that "Information" that she posted is BS, it is NOT empowering, it is harmful. If it were empowering, WE/Black folks would have Posted it to give encouragement!
Suggestion to Diana Cox (you tell her cause yall soooo tight and she will like how you sugar it up for her): Next Time just Post "Information", leave out the personal high-lights...and ASK people's Opinion. Then don't go on a rampage against people when/if they disagree with you...that you do against ANYONE that disagree with you...XCheck out the Over 50 BMI Board. People just said their piece and Diana Cox just beat them down until one woman had to succome to her. One lady disagreed with her and she called the poor thing...Passive Agressive, then she called me a few choice words, and the poor woman changed her position when Diana's League of Ghules attacked her, telling her that they have a vindetta or history with me. I don't know them from PAINT.
I have a LIFE, Bye now.

You don't agree with data. Alrighty then.
I do happen to agree that on average, black women prefer to be heavier than white women, and thus may have a higher goal weight and may be OK with ending up at a higher weight. But lots of us white women also appreciate our curves, so that doesn't change the FACT that individual preferences aside, black women don't lose as much, and that the RESULTS where the black women end up with both the RNY (26 +/- 10% of starting weight for blacks vs 39 +/- 8% for whites) and lapband (loss of only 11% of excess weight for blacks) are likely to NOT be because they voluntarily stopped losing weight sooner, but because they couldn't get to a an acceptable weight in the first place.
You seem to have a problem with me personally, when I don't give a **** about you. I cannot imagine why you would think I am trying to change YOUR mind -- how egotistical is that?? I sure as HELL don't care about your "feelings" about the data, but to suggest my motivations are racist?? Your "massa?" You are ridiculous. Really, you need some help.
I don't give a rat's ass what you PERSONALLY do with those statistics. The data is what it is -- if it is useful to you, use it. If it isn't, keep on walking, nothing for you to see here.
Although i will admit, I am going to have to suppress my feelings of schadenfreud watching you struggle. Assuming you continue to post when you do.
I do happen to agree that on average, black women prefer to be heavier than white women, and thus may have a higher goal weight and may be OK with ending up at a higher weight. But lots of us white women also appreciate our curves, so that doesn't change the FACT that individual preferences aside, black women don't lose as much, and that the RESULTS where the black women end up with both the RNY (26 +/- 10% of starting weight for blacks vs 39 +/- 8% for whites) and lapband (loss of only 11% of excess weight for blacks) are likely to NOT be because they voluntarily stopped losing weight sooner, but because they couldn't get to a an acceptable weight in the first place.
You seem to have a problem with me personally, when I don't give a **** about you. I cannot imagine why you would think I am trying to change YOUR mind -- how egotistical is that?? I sure as HELL don't care about your "feelings" about the data, but to suggest my motivations are racist?? Your "massa?" You are ridiculous. Really, you need some help.
I don't give a rat's ass what you PERSONALLY do with those statistics. The data is what it is -- if it is useful to you, use it. If it isn't, keep on walking, nothing for you to see here.
Although i will admit, I am going to have to suppress my feelings of schadenfreud watching you struggle. Assuming you continue to post when you do.
I already gave my opinion on bie-Lurker-Whats-Up-With-This/#30900242 bie-Lurker-Whats-Up-With-This/#30900242
I've been pudgy, chubby, thick, and now fat........Imma give thin a go round!!!
SW-262, size 18W, 5'6"
CW-168 1/15/2010
94 Lbs down...6 more to go...changed goal to see Onderland for a hot second!
I am a fair skinned red-head. There is extensive research that supports that I have greatly increased odds of developing melanoma. I do not feel that I have been singled out for persecution by medical science. I do not feel inferior. I feel damn lucky to know that I need to make some basic changes in my behavior regarding sun exposure.
I am also fat. Research supports that I am more likely to develop co-morbidities. I do not see that as predjudice. I think of it as information.
However when I hear someone say all fat people are greedy, lazy slobs who dont care about themselves...then I get bent out of shape. These are individual opinions based on predjudicial pre-suppositions. boo hiss.
I have experienced that kind of thing all my life. I got past it. Dont like it ...but it does not dominate my every thought process. I dont spend my time looking for slights from the uninformed, the rude or the ignorant so that I can rant about injustice.
Diana as you know there are very real differences between all kinds of different groups in approaches to preventing/ treating illness. Asians, Hispanics, mediterranian, caucasion, gender, sexual preferences, elderly, mentally ill, drug users etc. Good grief!. I am so grateful for the more definitive approaches to providing medical care, Thanks be to research. Not all research is good but all research is not bad.
You gave information regarding current research. It was given to assist in helping make informed decisions.
That is my opinion.
I am also fat. Research supports that I am more likely to develop co-morbidities. I do not see that as predjudice. I think of it as information.
However when I hear someone say all fat people are greedy, lazy slobs who dont care about themselves...then I get bent out of shape. These are individual opinions based on predjudicial pre-suppositions. boo hiss.
I have experienced that kind of thing all my life. I got past it. Dont like it ...but it does not dominate my every thought process. I dont spend my time looking for slights from the uninformed, the rude or the ignorant so that I can rant about injustice.
Diana as you know there are very real differences between all kinds of different groups in approaches to preventing/ treating illness. Asians, Hispanics, mediterranian, caucasion, gender, sexual preferences, elderly, mentally ill, drug users etc. Good grief!. I am so grateful for the more definitive approaches to providing medical care, Thanks be to research. Not all research is good but all research is not bad.
You gave information regarding current research. It was given to assist in helping make informed decisions.
That is my opinion.
(deactivated member)
on 2/14/09 9:42 am - Woodbridge, VA
on 2/14/09 9:42 am - Woodbridge, VA
Statistics/studies show that Hispanics are more likely than others to regain after a large weight loss without surgery. Does this somehow mean Hispanics are inferior? Not at all. Does this mean ALL Hispanics are doomed to regain? Hell no. But if I were Hispanic, it might be good knowledge to have moving forward so I might try even harder to beat those statistics.
As was already mentioned, I am white as a ghost. Heck, I've had friends jokingly refer to me as translucent! As such, I burn after about 5 minutes in the sun. I have even burned while wearing SPF 40 sunblock. I'm just THAT lucky. This puts me at a higher risk for certain skin cancers. Does that mean other ghostly white people like me are an inferior race? Again, not at all. Does this mean ALL translucent people will get skin cancer? Again, hell no. But it's something I'm glad I know about so I can act accordingly (limit my time in the sun, keep sunscreen in my purse, use a daily moiturizer with an SPF in it, etc.).
It's just knwoledge. Knowledge is power. Statistics are just that - statistics. Not absolutes, not guarantees, but informational trends to learn from. Does that mean all AAs should have the DS? No, the DS isn't right for everyone (for example, I would never recommend it to someone with Crohns, regardless of race, BMI, etc.). You have to choose what's right for you, but it's best to make that decision when armed with all the facts.
As was already mentioned, I am white as a ghost. Heck, I've had friends jokingly refer to me as translucent! As such, I burn after about 5 minutes in the sun. I have even burned while wearing SPF 40 sunblock. I'm just THAT lucky. This puts me at a higher risk for certain skin cancers. Does that mean other ghostly white people like me are an inferior race? Again, not at all. Does this mean ALL translucent people will get skin cancer? Again, hell no. But it's something I'm glad I know about so I can act accordingly (limit my time in the sun, keep sunscreen in my purse, use a daily moiturizer with an SPF in it, etc.).
It's just knwoledge. Knowledge is power. Statistics are just that - statistics. Not absolutes, not guarantees, but informational trends to learn from. Does that mean all AAs should have the DS? No, the DS isn't right for everyone (for example, I would never recommend it to someone with Crohns, regardless of race, BMI, etc.). You have to choose what's right for you, but it's best to make that decision when armed with all the facts.
No, I do not believe you are racist.
I will admit I used to be rubbed the wrong way by you when I first encountered some your posting as I was learning about the DS (just for knowledge sake). I do believe you are both intelligent and passionate about getting information out. Yes, studies can be 'skewed' as some suggest, but I believe that anyone with a modicum of intelligence would consider any information they could get their hands on. There are times I believe that people are too quick to throw the race card out, this is another example. Water off your back. People's opinions are going to change the facts. Kinda like the DS info, I guess.
I will admit I used to be rubbed the wrong way by you when I first encountered some your posting as I was learning about the DS (just for knowledge sake). I do believe you are both intelligent and passionate about getting information out. Yes, studies can be 'skewed' as some suggest, but I believe that anyone with a modicum of intelligence would consider any information they could get their hands on. There are times I believe that people are too quick to throw the race card out, this is another example. Water off your back. People's opinions are going to change the facts. Kinda like the DS info, I guess.