Never ask a question if you don't already know the answer

on 2/14/09 2:29 am, edited 2/14/09 2:36 am
To Diana Cox:

As a REAL Lawyer...I believe that this type of Posting (with it's Color coding for YOUR emphasis) is RACIST in it's motivation and in its Impact. You have the audacity to to believe that YOU can  "educate" ME! Who are YOU, my Massa!!!? Do You care about the NEGATIVE IMPACT this type of article could have on people who are coming in here for SUPPORT and comfort. You are truly ARROGANT to believe that Blacks do not / or will not consult with their chosen medical team for advice on this and other WLS.  You are even MORE ARROGANT to Post this henious article with your recitation in Black people's faces. Are you believing that Black people will beat Me down and hold You up as their Servant and good friend! Why did You dig up this so called study...what benefit is it to YOU! Did you think of or care about the Negative repercussions it could have on Black people who are trying to get their health issues together; or that Blacks may not have the same wt loss goals as white people; or that this study does not ask Blacks our goals and opinions.

Why do YOU think You have the "Answer", why do YOU think that YOU know how I feel and should react to some white research. YET AGAIN, telling Me (as a Black Person) that I am suppose to be Inferior in some area.  We (as Blacks) have seen sooo many BOGUS Studies about US, that for some Blacks we just don't even respond anymore, for others, we speak out - for to say Nothing is to accept it as true.

YOU have a superiority complex to believe that You have a Right to Tell Me how I am supposed to Accept and be appreciative of so called data that YOU Post, for YOUR own purposes. But that's what white people have been doing their whole life to Black folks. My feelings have to be in line with Yours...HELL, I can't even own my FEELINGS if they conflict with Yours. You are so used to telling Us how to think and feel and react, that when one of US comes along and say, "NO, I do not feel that way, you are wrong". Then all of a sudden that Black person is "Stupid"  or "Crazy" or needs "educating" by YOU! And You get a few "jump on the wagon *****s" to help You smear the one who thinks for her/himself.  We used to that white man ploy!

If DS works for You, GREAT...If someone else choses RNY, VSG or Banding after their research and consultation with their Surgeon, GREAT. Why do you need to put down My Choice, but beyond that, why do you need to put Me down as stupid or crazy because I do not agree with you and I don't think you are some sort of savior!  

Here is an EXAMPLE of My Perspective: My goal is to get to to 175 lbs, a white woman my height and bone structure may have a goal to get to 160 lbs. Well, when I reach 175 lbs I will go into Maintanence Mode, shifting from wt loss Mode. The bottom line would be that the white woman lost 15 more lbs than Me. So the data would show that a white woman who had WLS lost 15 more lbs than her Black counter part...that's true, NOW any thing those researchers want to do with that "Data" is up to them. But ONLY I know the Truth. But beyond that, it is trying to say that I have NO control over how much wt I lose, that my discipline, eating and exercise habits have nothing to do with my wt loss...only genetics. Tha't like saying that a person who has alcoholic parents MUST be an alcoholic also. Their abstenence, discipline, habits...won't dictate OVER genetics!  Then your flunkeys have the audacity to analogize WLS to Sickel Cell Anemia...meaning "WE" have NO way out...if we don't get the DS we are DOOMED to failure. YOU and the Devil are LIARS!

So, NO, I do NOT agree with this data. And YES, I believe you are a Racist. And yes, there will be Blacks that defend you and Maybe the Article ...that's because Everyone has a Right to their Own Opinion, Even You. So why can't YOU and your Flunkeys accept My Opinion, or at lest My Right to Have an Opinion...It's just an Opinion. It seems to Me that you are sooo Controlling to the point that I  and others CAN'T Disagree with YOU. Lady, I ain't NEVER lived in the "Big House" and I sho ain't gonna start with YOU..."Educate" those that are already in there with You and put You on that pedestal!



Be Well, Live Well
I Am Most Excellent - Affirmed Only Of GOD.
I wish for You, what I pray for Myself: Wellness, Happiness and Success In ALL Things Good! 
I know for Sure I Control: My Attitude and Effort, My Health and Happiness.



Star Jones
on 2/14/09 6:24 am - National Harbor, MD
You are a complete bozo!!!! First you comapred the studies to burning crosses on lawns now you call Diana "Massa". You are truly out there with your way of thinking. One minute you're a ride and die AA down for the cause next minute you're looking down your nose at "us people" with your uppity opinions. You are such a hypocrite.

As for the articles, what the hell would make you think that Diana is trying to make black people feel inferior? I've seen lots of people post info about the different surgeries proclaiming one is better than the other.....know what I did? I looked at all the information and made the decision for myself. If someone who had RNY and researched all thier options pre-op, read these articles, I think they would not be even effected. They would feel secure in the decision they made because they knew that RNY was best for them. Now if a pre-op is doing all thier research and believes these studies are true and along then goes with the DS.....what's wrong with that? People make thier own decisions for various reasons.

No one said you had to agree with the data. I take em with a grain of salt myself because I know how research works. But to throw this into a racial war is hilarious. And this is coming from someone raised by Black Panthers and a product of NOI (Muhammad's Mosque #12, N Philly Ho-oooo) I was taught to find racism in the simplest things......and this ma'am ain't it.

I've been pudgy, chubby, thick, and now fat........Imma give thin a go round!!!

SW-262, size 18W, 5'6"
CW-168 1/15/2010
94 Lbs down...6 more to go...changed goal to see Onderland for a hot second!

Soul Flower
on 2/14/09 7:10 am
Power to the people.
Star Jones
on 2/14/09 8:55 am - National Harbor, MD
All that smiley needs is a pic with a fist on the end in its fro!

I've been pudgy, chubby, thick, and now fat........Imma give thin a go round!!!

SW-262, size 18W, 5'6"
CW-168 1/15/2010
94 Lbs down...6 more to go...changed goal to see Onderland for a hot second!

Soul Flower
on 2/14/09 10:00 am
Gurrrl FACEBOOK, a few weeks ago Rita was messin around on facebook and FOUND a power to the people application. She's been sending me revolutionary fists, Free Angela Davis buttons, and other 70's stuff.
mrs. neenaj
on 2/14/09 10:45 am
Yeah Facebook has them.
on 2/14/09 7:48 am, edited 2/14/09 8:06 am
To Ms. Star Jones:

OK, GREAT, so NOW we get to your problem. You don't have a problem with me disagreeing with the "data". And you acknowledge my right to take issue with it, as I do. Your problem with Me is that YOU perceive Me as "Uppity". OMG, I'll repeat Pat Harris' famous statement to a group of Black Students that tried to make her cow-tau to them, " I have NEVER been a White Man's ***** and I WON'T be a Black Man's *****" So, whatever YOU think is "Black" enough, and I don't fit that definition because I'm "UPPITY" ( I'm from the South, Blacks get that all the time from white folks if we sleep with 2 sheets on the bed or don't wipe our mouths on our sleeves when we eat or if we like baked chicken instead of fried), I take that as a COMPLIMENT...I attribute that to your low-self esteem. I heard that about you from several people that have emailed me but I don't jump to conclusion on people unless I SEE it for MYSELF!  I see it now.

As far as (Diana Cox). I have NEVER  started a Thread using her name. I disagreed with the data she presented and she tripped because I am a Black Woman and had the audacity to disagree with her in the RNY Forum! You should re-read her original post in here... I don't see "Star Jones" being mentioned, I don't see her using your "great popularity" to support her position...YOU know why, "cause a ***** in the hand is worth 2 in the bush (that's Star Jones and her flunkeys). BUTshe wants to DISCREDIT the ONE that Got away. You and the others don't mean nothing to are EASY, just look at those "ass kissing posts", like she has to spoon feed yall; I'm a Threat in her eyes because I am NOT Uppity AND I actually make sense. Go back and COUNT how many times that she use my name in the original post. If she just wanted to present data...why not just put it up and ask what "WE" think. She didn't do that, she came in ATTACKING ME. AND YES, I have an EGO, ya better when you have to do business with white folks and 90% males! I better be able to stand against all odds and make my position clear.

Again, I have NEVER been a White man's ***** and I WON'T be a Black Man's *****if that's UPPITY>>>Count Me among the  UPPITY ! 

I have said my piece and I am VERY CLEAR. I believe that Diana Cox is a RACIST and that "Information" that she posted is BS, it is NOT empowering, it is harmful. If it were empowering, WE/Black folks would have Posted it to give encouragement!

Suggestion to Diana Cox (you tell her cause yall soooo tight and she will like how you sugar it up for her): Next Time just Post "Information", leave out the personal high-lights...and ASK people's Opinion. Then don't go on a rampage against people when/if they disagree with you...that you do against ANYONE that disagree with you...XCheck out the Over  50 BMI Board. People just said their piece and Diana Cox just beat them down until one woman had to succome to her. One lady disagreed with her and she called the poor thing...Passive Agressive, then she called me a few choice words, and the poor woman changed her position when Diana's League of Ghules attacked her, telling her that they have a vindetta or history with me. I don't know them from PAINT.

I have a LIFE, Bye now.  



Be Well, Live Well
I Am Most Excellent - Affirmed Only Of GOD.
I wish for You, what I pray for Myself: Wellness, Happiness and Success In ALL Things Good! 
I know for Sure I Control: My Attitude and Effort, My Health and Happiness.



Star Jones
on 2/14/09 8:20 am - National Harbor, MD
Me?? Low self esteem??? Seriously? Any of my friends IRL or here would  at that statement!!!! Uh, I have pictures on my a pre-op. No where does there even resemble your opinion of me. But it's cool, just like ******** everybody has one. Just like mine of you. You could be a remarkable woman and someone I would like to be friends with, IRL, but IMO you come across here as someone with self hate and so far away from being down to Earth you can prob touch the sun! I get this from the many posts I have read that you either initiated or replied to someone's post. But again, that's my opinion and would only mean something to you if it was true.

As far as my "great popularity" that couldn't be further from the truth. There are many on this board that can't stand me and I'm guessing emailed you. I guess we'll have to agree to disagree again on that point.

Lastly, if me showing gratitude to Diana for her service to people seeking WLS makes me a flunkee, then sign me up and make me a T-shirt. Because if it wasn't for her and others like her I would be sitting here still 262 because none of the other surgeries appealed to me that would have been covered. And I would have chose nothing over what was free. I have seen her help so many people with thier insurance woes, pro-bono, many of these people she has never even met. I don't know about you but that impresses me.

I've been pudgy, chubby, thick, and now fat........Imma give thin a go round!!!

SW-262, size 18W, 5'6"
CW-168 1/15/2010
94 Lbs down...6 more to go...changed goal to see Onderland for a hot second!

on 2/14/09 8:35 am
Ok, I am a direct person...90% of the people I supervise and work with are men. I talk like them and to some extent think like them. I hit stuff head on, without shugga, they understand me and me them. I listen to them and shut them up...I'm the same way in Court, no time for pretty phrases.  My motto: Concise, Precise and Clarity.

I apologize if I come off as curt and uncaring...that's NOT me at all and my work speaks for me. I had pictures and My Life story up when I first came to OH. I'm sure some people saw it, even had my partner's pic up. Because of my disagreement with Diana Cox, I have been threatened and everything else on OH, that's why I took all my personal info down.
With my personality, I am Safer than Sorry, because I just don't pull punches or say stuff that does not make sense to me.



Be Well, Live Well
I Am Most Excellent - Affirmed Only Of GOD.
I wish for You, what I pray for Myself: Wellness, Happiness and Success In ALL Things Good! 
I know for Sure I Control: My Attitude and Effort, My Health and Happiness.



Star Jones
on 2/14/09 8:53 am - National Harbor, MD
Don't know how most of that relates to what I wrote...but Ooookaaay. I've had the same job for 10 years and 9 times out of ten I'm the only female. Didn't change the way I feel about black people, (gave me more insight to the way men think though), so you're point is a lil apple/oranges kinda thing to me.

Again, like I said on the other thread it's not HOW you write your's the opinions. You could "shugga" them up till the cows come home.....the thoughts are still the same.'s all good. We can agree to disagree. You have your opinions and I have mine.

I've been pudgy, chubby, thick, and now fat........Imma give thin a go round!!!

SW-262, size 18W, 5'6"
CW-168 1/15/2010
94 Lbs down...6 more to go...changed goal to see Onderland for a hot second!

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