Need some Opionions/Advise from Fellow Bandsters
I am over here making myself sicker trying to decide what is the best thing to do.
My band is fill to the gill, in the last 3 years I have never had a unfill, I have read where folks start to have problems after unfill and some never can get back to the right restriction, I don't want this. I spoke to my band doctor and him and I are on the fence about an unfill. He gave me a "do not insert Naso or oro- gastic tube" order to give to person putting me to sleep.
My concern is that I am a little, ok let me stop lying, I am a very bad claustrophobia. I am worried that in coming to from being put under (which is never a joy for me), maybe my band will have tighten during surgery, and I will wake up not being able to swallow and go into panic mode.
Should I get a unfill or not. What say you Fellow bandster?? I will come back on the board later to see if you have any good advice for me, I will talk to my doctor about this again, he is more or less leaving it to me. I am just scared as hell right now and this is adding to the fear.
People are so worried about what they eat between Christmas and the New Year, but they really should be worried about what they eat between the New Year and Christmas. ~Author Unknown
on 2/13/09 11:19 pm
First let me say that I am sorry you will have to undergo surgery. My prayers will be with you sweetie. Now, to answer the question at hand.........
I would have a slight unfill. Why? Because I would rather start over with the fills than be too tight after surgery and run into problems. Not that that is going to happen.

Ultamately, it is your decision but what ever you decide, we are praying with and for you.
God already has this worked out for your good sista.

I understand your fears but you have to worry about YOU first and the band later. My band tightens up to the point I am on liquids when I am super stressed, restriction or not so I would hate for you to add the claustophobia to the rest, understandable stress and be too tight. I agree with the others that not a complete unfill but a small unfill would do wonders. Maybe 1/4 to 1/2 of your total fill.
I know that everyone is different, but I think you will do just fine with a slight unfil. Also, my dr. already to me that fluid is usually removed from the band prior to surgery.
I did forget to mention that getting an unfill, no matter how slight, is just like starting all over again. Once you start getting the fills -- you have to go back to the liquid phase for a few days. For me, it was like being a new bandster all over again

My prayers will be with you and I know that either way it goes( unfilled or not) you are going to do well.
"fruits of my labor" Rebirth of Fruitful - Fri., Oct. 15! Band Replacement and hiatial hernia repair!
on 2/14/09 12:30 am
I'm so sorry about your needing surgery, but I think you might want to have a slight unfill. Believe me there is nothing worse than being too tight. You will be feeling bad enough, no need to be throwing up because you can't keep things down. Also you'll need the extra calories and protein to help your body heal.
Wishing you all the best.
right off the top my suggestion is to go for a total unfill. However MAKE SURE that once you are all healed to resume fills immediately should you decide to get unfilled. I guarantee you that food will be tasting REAAAAL GOOD, so don't mess around after you are recouped.
The reason I suggest the unfill is that surgery is always major and it takes a certain amount of nutrition to promote healing and such, AND

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if you're filled to the max maybe you should take out 1cc or so..

"He who binds to himself a joy doth the winged life destroy. But he who kisses the joy as it flies lives in Eternity's sunrise."~William Blake
My suggestion would be get a TOTAL UNFILL not partial. I have had surgery and Dr Moazzez instructed another ER doc to TOTAL unfill my band when I had my emergency hernia repair surgery last year. So I am not sure why Dr Mo is not suggesting to totally unfill yours.
The reason you must get a TOTAL unfill is that when you are in surgery the trauma will cause tissue swelling and if you are tight will get TIGHTER...and it can cause a complete obstruction you will be lying flat and you don't want to reflux in your sleep anyway.
Unfills are not that bad, and why do you say if you get unfilled you will not have good restriction again? That is not true, so many are scared to get unfills and end up slipping their bands even when they are too tight, it is always better to take care of your body and health before weight loss. You can always get back on track, it should not take you that long to get your band refilled just a few months, Dr. Moazzez refilled me back up quickly I got big fills, but I got too tight in October and had some removed and I just got my band filled back up again on Tuesday -- need to lose these 15 pounds that I have gained quickly.
Good luck which ever decision you make!!!